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  1. 24/7/365

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    Donate today.

    You can support the ongoing work of La Casa's mission by making a financial contribution today. Your donation funds our shelter, advocacy, and support services.

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  3. Volunteer

    Volunteer today.

    La Casa depends on volunteers to keep all of our programs running smoothly and consistently. There are a variety of ways you can volunteer your time with us.

  4. WishList

    Volunteer today.

    You can help the women, teens, and children accessing our services by giving items on our wish list that help us provide for a person's basic needs—safety, food, clothing.

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See what's going on at La Casa

As a community…

Throughout October (Domestic Violence Awareness Month), we came together as change makers to end domestic violence in San Francisco. With your help… Over 2,000 individuals connected with La Casa through 120 outreach and education events. 90 volunteers logged 320 hours to support women and children fleeing violence in our city. 360 attendees, 22 corporate sponsors,…

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Get redHOT* for change on Oct. 18th!

Announcing Our Keynote Speaker | Beverly Gooden Founder, #WhyIStayed movement     On Thursday, October 18th we’re celebrating over 40 years of service in San Francisco. Our annual redHOT* party will be held during National Domestic Violence Awareness month at The Green Room in the San Francisco War Memorial Veterans Building. Join us for an evening of delicious…

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Computer use can be monitored and is impossible for its memory to be completely cleared. If you are afraid your internet and/or computer usage might be monitored, please use a safer computer, and/or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE(7233) or TTY 1−800−787−3224.

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