GET feedback/events.json

GET feedback/events.json

Returns Feedback creation and response events that occur in a specified time period. Please note that the max to_time is 24 hours prior to the current time.

Resource Infromation

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes (user context only)
Rate limited? Yes
Requests / 15 min window (user auth) 1,000


from_time (required)

Required on the 1st page. Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 1451936737470

The range is inclusive.

to_time (required)

Required on the 1st page. Epoch timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 1451936737470

The range is inclusive. The max to_time is 24 hours before current time. Requests for more recent data via this endpoint will receive an error.

count (required)
Max number of results returned. Default and max is 100. |

cursor (optiona)
For paging through results. Required for paging through result sets greater than 1 page.

An empty value indicates you have reached the end of the result set.

Response Values

events An array of events.
event_type Possible values: feedback.created, feedback.updated
next_cursor Values are unique to a given from_time/to_time range.

Example Result

      "event_type": "feedback.updated",
      "created_at": "SatDec1517:58:22+00002015",
      "feedback": {
        "created_at": "SatDec1517:58:20+00002015",
        "updated_at": "SatDec1517:59:22+00002015",
        "id": "123456789",
      "event_type": "feedback.created",
      "created_at": "SatDec1517:59:22+00002015",
        "created_at": "SatDec1517:59:22+00002015",
        "updated_at": "SatDec1517:59:22+00002015",
        "id": "123456799",
  "next_cursor": "10011"