How to Tweet

A Tweet may contain photos, GIFs, videos, links, and text.

View instructions for:

How to Tweet

  1. Tap the Tweet compose icon 
  2. Compose your message and tap Tweet.

How to Tweet

  1. Tap on the Tweet compose icon 
  2. Enter your message, and then tap Tweet.
  3. A notification will appear in the status bar on your device and will go away once the Tweet successfully sends.

How to Tweet

  1. Type your Tweet into the compose box at the top of your Home timeline, or click the Tweet button in the top navigation bar.
  2. You can include up to 4 photos, a GIF, or a video in your Tweet.
  3. Click the Tweet button to post the Tweet to your profile.

How to post a Tweet via text message (SMS)

Connect your phone with your Twitter account, then simply send your Tweet as a text message to your appropriate Twitter short code the same way you'd send any other text message. 

Deleting Tweets

  • Read about how to delete a Tweet.
  • Note that you can only delete your own Tweets.
  • You cannot delete Tweets which were posted by other accounts. Instead, you can unfollowblock or mute accounts whose Tweets you do not want to receive.
  • Read about how to delete or undo a Retweet.

Keyboard shortcuts 

The following are a list of keyboard shortcuts to use on


  • n  =  new Tweet
  • l  =  like
  • r  =  reply
  • t  =  Retweet
  • m  =  Direct Message
  • u  =  mute account
  • b  =  block account
  • enter  =  open Tweet details
  • o   =  expand photo
  • /  =  search
  • cmd-enter | ctrl-enter  =  send Tweet


  • ?  =  full keyboard menu
  • j  =  next Tweet
  • k  =  previous Tweet
  • space  =  page down
  • .  =  load new Tweets


  • g and h  =  Home timeline
  • g and o  =  Moments
  • g and n  =  Notifications tab
  • g and r  =  Mentions
  • g and p  =  profile 
  • g and l  =  likes tab
  • g and i  =  lists tab
  • g and m  =  Direct Messages
  • g and s  =  Settings and privacy
  • g and u  =  go to someone’s profile

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