Twitter media policy

Twitter Rules: Twitter allows some forms of graphic violence and/or adult content in Tweets marked as containing sensitive media. However, you may not use such content in your profile or header images. 

Twitter Rules: You may not use hateful images or symbols in your profile image or profile header.


Some forms of graphic violence, adult content, or hateful imagery may be permitted in Tweets when they are marked as sensitive media. However, you may not include this type of content in live video, or in profile or header images. 

While we want people to feel free to share media that reflects their creativity or individuality, or to show what’s happening in the world, we will take action when it crosses the line into abuse towards a person, group, or protected category.

Finally, we may sometimes require you to remove media containing excessively graphic violence out of respect for the deceased and their families if we receive a request from their family or an authorized representative. Learn more about how to make such a request here

When this applies 

Graphic violence and adult content

We consider graphic violence to be any form of gory media related to death, serious injury, violence, or surgical procedures. Some examples include, but are not limited to, depictions of:

  • the moment at which someone dies
  • gruesome crime or accident scenes
  • bodily harm, torture, dismemberment, or mutilation

We consider adult content to be any media that is pornographic and/or may be intended to cause sexual arousal. Some examples include, but are not limited to, depictions of:

  • full or partial nudity (including close-ups of genitals, buttocks, or breasts)
    • Please note that exceptions may be made for artistic, medical, health, or educational content. Breastfeeding content does not need to be marked as sensitive. 
  • simulating a sexual act
  • intercourse or any sexual act (may involve humans, humanoid animals, cartoons, or anime)

If you see media you think may be in violation of our policy, report it. You can read about how to report sensitive media here.

Hateful imagery

We consider hateful imagery to be logos, symbols, or images whose purpose is to promote hostility and malice against others based on their race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin.

Some examples of hateful imagery include, but are not limited to:

  • Symbols historically associated with hate groups (for example, the Nazi swastika)
  • Images depicting others as less than human or altered to include hateful symbols
  • Altered image references to a mass murder that targeted a protected category

Do I need to be the target of this content in order for it to be a violation of the Twitter Rules?
No, we review both first-person and bystander reports of such content.


When adult content, graphic violence, or hateful imagery appears in Tweets, we may place this content behind an interstitial advising viewers to be aware that they will see sensitive media if they click through. This allows us to identify potentially sensitive content that some people may not wish to see. Learn more about how to control whether you see sensitive media.

However, if such content appears in live video, header, or profile images, it will violate our media policy. The consequences for violating this policy depend on the severity of the violation and the person’s previous record of violations.

The first time someone violates this policy they will be required to remove the imagery and may be asked to verify their account ownership. Subsequent violations could result in permanent suspension. Learn more about our range of enforcement options.

If someone believes their account was suspended in error, they can submit an appeal.


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