Oct 4: 12:30pm Cancel Kavanaugh, Believe Survivors, 333 Constitution Ave, NW


#Kremlin Annex Impeachment protest hammers Trump and KKKavanaugh over sexual assault charges

The 1st of October was the 78th evening of the "Kremlin Annex" protests at the White House demanding Trump be impeached. This time around, much of the focus was on Trump's SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh, with musical numbers such as "We Believe Christine," "No means No!" and even "99 bottles of beer on the all, Kavanaugh came to drink them all."

Video from Oct 1 #KremlinAnnex protest 1 min 44 sec

Local News

Protesters including many sexual assault survivors at the US Supreme Court

(Video tonight)

On the 4th of October, the Women's March and other groups bussed in protesters from all over the US for a massive march from Brett Kavanaugh's current place of work at the Federal Courthouse (333 Const Ave) to the US Supreme Court. Plans to hold a massive sit-in on the Capitol steps were hampered by Capitol police blocking access to the entire building, so protesters took over the Hart building atrium after the rally instead.

There are reports of arrests in the Hart Building, more details as they emerge.

Video-sexual assault survivor confronts US Senator Bob Corker(R-TN) at his car

On the 4th of October, Senato Bob Corker emerged from the Dirksen Senate Office Building into a crowd of protesters to walk to his car. Several protesters broke from the crowd to follow him. At his car, a woman identifying herself as a surviver of sexual assault confronted Senator Corker, demanding he vote NO on confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Video-Senator Jeff Merkley calls out Kavanaugh for aggression towards women, lying to the US Senate

On the evening of Oct 3, the night before the big Women's March mobilization against Brett Kavanaugh, hundreds gathered outside the US Supreme Court. Speaker after speaker called out Kavanaugh for everything from alcohol abuse to sexual abuse, to lying to the US Senate under oath. The keynote speakers were several rape survivers, plus Senator Merkley(D-OR) and Nancy Pelosi.

 It’s Going Down has received the following statement and press release about a comrade facing a grand jury subpoena in Washington DC. There will also be a protest rally against the grand jury in DC tomorrow at 8:30 AMWE RESIST GRAND JURIESAn anarchist/antifascist statementMonday, September 10, 2018A group of Washington DC anarchists and antifascists issues the following statement:We will not be intimidated by the state.

A group of Washington DC anarchists and antifascists issues the following statement:

We will not be intimidated by the state. We will not comply with grand juries.

The scene outside Harry's Bar (part of Harry's restaurant)

Video of the scene outside Harry's Bar

The sign in front of the bar at Harry's Restaurant in DC reads "Harry's Bar." In both 2017 and 2018, this bar hosted the afterparty for the Trump/MAGAt/Fascist "Mother of All Rallies." Like last year, total attendance at the MOAR was very sparse, but violent fascists were present. Last year it was "Based Stickman," this year Joey Gibson of Patriot Prayer was on the speaker's list and the Proud Boys showed up this year.