Feckless Dems fail to make 49 bigger than 51 again: Republicans cannot do anything, Democrats merely fail to stop them from doing things. But this is just the appetizer. We have a particularly spectacular entry in the always farcical “the Dems could totally have stopped Kavanaugh” sweepstakes. The key villain is…Barack Obama: Three allegations of […]
Believe it or not, it wasn’t that long ago that Trump issued his “sovereignty and patriotism” speech at the United Nations. I expect most readers remember it primarily for the spectacle of world leaders laughing at Trump’s claim to have made America great again, but it did have other content. In the speech, Trump used […]
With Brett Kavanaugh given a lifetime appointment, it’s Bad Complacent Contrarian Punditry About Roe O’Clock! In recent years, the court has sidestepped most abortion cases, allowing lower courts to rule against new restrictions and declining to hear further appeals. The assumption that increasingly Trumpified circuit courts will just strike down any envelope-pushing abortion law has […]
This is great: Taylor Swift’s decision to jump into politics over the weekend, announcing her support in an Instagram post for two Democrats in Tennessee and urging her 112 million followers to register to vote, appears to have contributed to a flurry of last-minute registrations before deadlines in many states. In the hours after Ms. […]
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