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Race and cash in the Assembly 15 campaign: Jovanka Beckles breaks the mold

Two underlying dynamics are at work in the East Bay race to represent Assembly District 15 in Sacramento. One is a contest between a traditional big-money campaign and an insurgent, volunteer-driven, grassroots campaign. The other is a subterranean racial dynamic. The campaign between out Black lesbian, eight-year Richmond City Council member Jovanka Beckles, 55, and campaign professional Buffy Wicks, 41, is increasingly testy. The Assembly seat was previously occupied by Tony Thurmond. If Beckles is not elected, the East Bay African American community will have no representative in Sacramento.

Behind Enemy Lines

Raw sewage spills at SF Bryant St. jail making prisoners sick – ‘rash, intestinal, lung’ problems reported

Oct 3, 2018

Raw sewage overflows since January 2017 at the San Francisco’s main 850 Bryant St. jail are making prisoners sick, according to a class action lawsuit asking for $150,000 or more in damages filed July 30 against the City and County of San Francisco, the Sheriff and other law enforcement personnel. The raw sewage spill was reported in the District Attorney’s Office in January 2017 but not in the jail.

Comrade Malik: Racism in the US is a symptom of capitalism

Oct 2, 2018

I’d like to send out a clenched fist salute to Amani Sawari of Jailhouse Lawyers Speak. I have studied the transcript of Amani’s appearance on Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman. Amani did an excellent job articulating the reasons for our actions. Amani also had the presence of mind to highlight and accentuate the fact that we, the prisoners across Amerika, seek to be treated as human beings and given meaningful opportunities toward our rehabilitation.

Physicians and medical students stand in solidarity with prison strikers

Oct 2, 2018

As incarcerated people across the country began a three-week series of protests, a contingent of physicians, health professions students and other allied health professionals expressed their solidarity with the protestors. More than 125 students and healthcare providers signed an open letter endorsing the National Prison Strike, with many participating in local solidarity actions or making phone calls to prisons to show support for the strikers’ demands.

‘An execution date should not be scheduled’ for Bomani Shakur (Keith LaMar)

Oct 1, 2018

“An execution date should not be scheduled because Mr. LaMar’s death sentence is precisely the sort identified by the Joint Task Force to Review the Administration of Ohio’s Death Penalty. Mr. LaMar’s conviction rests on prisoner testimony which is not independently corroborated, there is no physical or video evidence linking him to the crimes and he has always maintained his innocence. Evidence supporting Mr. LaMar’s innocence is slowly coming to light after dogged efforts to unearth such proof following years of suppression.”

‘It is in the service of God to inflict wrath on the evil doer,’ says Missouri prison nurse in the midst of unparalleled brutality and torture during National Prison Strike

Oct 1, 2018

I am writing to let you know the conditions us convicts at South Central Correctional Center (SCCC) have endured and expose the brutal assault that took place on Aug. 23, 2018. I was placed in Administrative Segregation and stripped of my privileges – contact visits, phone calls, canteen, personal property etc. – for the reason of investigation. That’s a violation of my due process rights, as I am punished before being found guilty of anything.

Missouri prisoners protesting ad-seg restrictions in run-up to National Prison Strike shackled to iron bench
The deafening drumbeat of the unfree
Greg Curry: Black August at Ohio State Penitentiary
The old Dixie Boys in Florida still have that Jim Crow mindset
Heroic or heinous: The death penalty case of Thomas Porter
Pennsylvania prisoners launch boycott of new mail system privatized by prison profiteers
Plausible deniability and sinister bigotry ​inside ​Texas prisons
Smyrna 17: Trials of Delaware ‘riot leaders’ begin Oct. 8
Rashid: The prison struggle continues
Prison strike solidarity update: Solid Black Fist newsletter released as striking continues
Prison-assisted drug overdoses: Deadly K2 epidemic is spreading in Texas and many other state and federal prisons
Deceptions, lies and misappropriation of funds at McConnell Prison in Texas
National Prison Strike: State retaliates against South Carolina prisoners in the wake of Hurricane Florence
Solidarity update: Continued resistance as a national coalition
Solidarity update: Second week of the National Prison Strike

News & Views

San Francisco twins, 11, win OneUnited’s I Got Bank Youth Essay and Art contest

Oct 3, 2018

As the largest Black-owned bank in America, OneUnited Bank takes educating our youth about making and keeping money very seriously. So seriously in fact that alongside our community partner BMe, for the eighth year we have given away $1,000 in savings accounts to 10 lucky kids who read any financial literacy book as inspiration for an essay or work of art. San Francisco twins Dontaye Ball Jr. and Ziontaye Ball, 11, are among the national winners. Please join us in congratulating them!

San Francisco’s new ‘Us v. Them’

Oct 3, 2018

In his essay titled, “San Francisco, You’ll Miss Your Tech Bros If They Flee,” Bloomberg opinion columnist Noah Smith warns that the tech bubble is a victim of outsiders’ antipathy towards techies. The essay suggests that it is more important that San Francisco retain its tech bubble than its long time and native residents. Smith argues that San Francisco will miss the tech bros if they flee. But San Francisco is already missing its long time and native residents. Many native and long-time residents miss San Francisco as well.

Hey, Mr. Tangerine Man …

Oct 2, 2018

They got Jel-Low Puddin’ Man – — one less backwards Taliban — treating women like beasts – — Packs of predator priests — next they’re comin’ for you – — your whole predator Krew — silver bracelets, orange — jumpsuit await you too! — Hey Mr. Tangerine Man – — They’re comin’ for you next — Before you tweet or text — Hey Mr. Tangerine Man – — your FOX-hole country — only needs one tree —

Parallels between national strikes, from prisoners in the US to teachers in Costa Rica

Oct 1, 2018

While I was immersed in the National Prison Strike back home, I had no idea how solidarity looked to others who felt trapped outside of the resistance. Some felt unable to connect with the people they desperately wanted to join in fighting for. Some Americans may say, How can I support a prisoner? in the same way that I struggled to connect with Tico Educators – in both cases knowing that their plight is worth fighting for.

New report calculates the first unemployment rate for formerly incarcerated people: 27 percent, highest since Great Depression

Sep 29, 2018

For the 5 million formerly incarcerated people living in the U.S., landing a job means more than just personal success: It means finding a place in their communities and being able to care for their loved ones again. It’s well known that the obstacles to finding a job are severe for people who have been to prison. The scale of this problem, however, has been difficult to measure – until now.

Jovanka vs. Buffy: In Assembly District 15 race, it’s a choice between local roots and outside money
Hands off SF’s Sunshine Ordinance: Privacy proponents urge No on Prop B
Standing with Julian Assange
Judge Rebecca Hardie allows Contra Costa CFS social worker to commit perjury
Premier San Francisco artist Ronnie Goodman arrested, charges dropped, but artwork confiscated by city
Two African heroes leave prison in Rwanda
When the white man who shot up an upscale Oakland neighborhood first shot me, a homeless man, nobody cared; I was the criminal
Saving ‘Mona’
‘We love the CIA!’ – or how the left lost its mind
Merchants of Butchertown
Bayview’s Sav-Mor Mart re-opens in new location with fresh produce, more healthful products
Sam Jordan’s Way celebrates the first major Black mayoral candidate in San Francisco
Mario Woods Remembrance Day 2018: Commemorating and celebrating life
Hunters Point Shipyard: A few caring people are changing the world
Uganda Krip-Hop Nation journalist Ronnie Ronnie beaten, tortured by police, recovering at home

Culture Currents

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October 4, 2018
VETERANS JOB FAIR 11:00 am Levi's Stadium 4900 Marie P DeBartolo Way, Santa Clara, CA 95054 A FREE hiring event. Nearly 50 Bay Area-area employers will be ... more>>
October 4, 2018
INSIDER | OUTSIDER: Visionary Art BY, FOR, and ABOUT Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated People 12:00 pm Shelton Hall Gallery at Oakland Peace Center, 111 Fairmount Ave, Oakland, CA 94611 Featuring a variety of artwork collected by Oakland-based East Point ... more>>
October 4, 2018
San Francisco FOOD NOT BOMBS Thursday Food Share 6:00 pm 16th Street Mission station (2000 Mission St) San Francisco, CA 94110 We will share free hot food in the 16th & ... more>>
October 4, 2018
HOMECOMING PROJECT Community Outreach Meeting 6:30 pm 2633 Telegraph Ave (Suite 315) Oakland, CA 94612 People returning from prison need homes: Will You Be Part ... more>>
October 4, 2018
Black reSurgence!TV 7:00 pm Comcast Channel 76, Astoud 30 and ATT 99 In honor of yet another innocent Black Male who has ... more>>
October 5, 2018
Vigil - Mothers on the March Against Police Murders 12:00 pm Hall of InJustice 850 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA 94103 Vigil every Friday on the steps of the Hall of ... more>>
October 5, 2018
INSIDER | OUTSIDER: Visionary Art BY, FOR, and ABOUT Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated People 12:00 pm Shelton Hall Gallery at Oakland Peace Center, 111 Fairmount Ave, Oakland, CA 94611 Featuring a variety of artwork collected by Oakland-based East Point ... more>>
October 5, 2018
SENIOR AND DISABILITY ACTION Annual Celebration! 5:30 pm The Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 1155 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103 We can't wait to see you at our Annual Celebration! ... more>>
October 5, 2018
"San Quentin Writers" Reading & Reunion: BROTHERS IN PEN 7:00 pm Alley Cat Books - 3036 24th St, San Francisco, CA 94110 (very close to the 24th St. BART station) Come join the first outside reunion of those who once ... more>>
October 5, 2018
DREAMGIRLS - musical play that "drives audiences wild!" 7:00 pm Berkeley Playhouse 2640 College Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704 It’s the fabulous ’60s, and Effie, Lorrell, and Deena ... more>>
October 5, 2018
Mindful Drumming 7:30 pm Attitudinal Healing, 3278 West St., Oakland Mindful Drumming is an ancient indigenous technology that uses the ... more>>
October 5, 2018
The Lower Bottom Playaz present PROTECTION SHIELDS 8:00 pm The Flight Deck, 1540 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612 Season19: LEGACY opens on Sept 21!

PROTECTIONS SHIELDS: The prequel to ... more>>
October 5, 2018
Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee & Green Challenger Laura Wells in HISTORIC CANDIDATE FORUM 8:30 pm Democrat incumbent and U.S. Rep Barbara Lee will join ... more>>

Wanda’s Picks for October 2018

Oct 3, 2018

It’s all about the ancestors, believe it or not. The invisible realm controls the outer. Those who believe in magic are in touch with reality – a truth, the initiated, those beings open to a creation story they participate in. Life is a collection of unedited stories; the end of a chapter does not mean the end of the book. With that said, the MAAFA Commemoration is upon us once again, celebrating its 23rd anniversary.

Elbert ‘Big Man’ Howard’s Black Panther Memorial marks history

Oct 2, 2018

Elbert “Big Man” Howard died in Santa Rosa at the age of 80 on July 23. The memorial service was held on Aug. 25. Howard was one of six founding members of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. He was well known as one of the most instrumental members in many facets of organizing during his time with the party. The memorial was packed with original Panthers who shared candid stories of their time with Howard.

Standing in revolution: Laure McElroy joined the ancestors BlackAugust 31, 2018

Sep 29, 2018

“You were right, Tiny. Interdependence does work for us poor mamas.” My revolutionary poet, fellow welfareQUEEN at POOR Magazine and co-founder of Homefulness and KEXU radio Laure McElroy and I spoke quietly on the phone in the kind of intimacy befitting deep sister comrades like we were and had been for many years of deep struggle and deep resistance. Writing this today is so hard for me between tears and pain. I’m so unsure of how to go on without her love. On Sunday, Sept. 23, we held a multi-nationed tree-planting ceremony in Laure’s honor at Homefulness.

‘The Global Imagination of 1968: Revolution and Counterrevolution’

Sep 24, 2018

Movement people must start reading the great works from the past that give us the first steps of understanding how we can set this oppressive and neo-liberal world on fire. One of the good things about the book “1968” is how it delineates for 21st century revolutionaries the international composition of revolutionary activity in every country on the planet. It shows why this struggle, to be successful, must be international in scope and range. Capitalism-imperialism is a worldwide system. Our political and economic system called the World Proletarian Socialist Revolution must be international in scope and range.

Wanda’s Picks September 2018

Sep 24, 2018

We lost Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin on Aug. 16 (March 25, 1942-Aug. 16, 2018). We also lost Kofi Annan (April 8, 1938, to Aug. 18, 2018), the seventh United Nations Secretary General and the first from Sub-Saharan African to lead the International organization. When we think about Black women and their navigation of public spaces, we remember the recent deaths of Nia Wilson, 18, and Jessica St. Louis, 26, who were not safe when they should have been #safehername.

Cal Shakes’ stunning ‘War of the Roses’ closes Sept. 15
Tribute to Big Man: Action is supreme
Aretha Franklin, the radical Queen of Soul
Arrest the president! Sue the government! Our Nia, our purpose will never die!
Reminiscing, and acting, this September!
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