
If you're looking for pregnancy options, our counselors can help explore options that best suit you. Our services are confidential, nonjudgmental, and free. Call us or email to book an appointment. 613-226-3234 ext. 100/

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"Disability is Not a Dirty Word" was the title of the presentation which AnaLori, our Disability and Sexuality Community Developer presented at Crime Prevention Ottawa. She challenged the audience to rethink disability and see ableism in every day life, including in the media.

Thank you Crime Prevention Ottawa/Prévention du Crime Ottawa for having us in your space.

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Run for #consent with Planned Parenthood Ottawa this year in #OttawaRaceWeekend, May 26 - 27, 2018. You can register using the link below.

Not running? Take part by sponsoring our team!

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Older women may use birth control less consistently than younger women... and have as many or more unplanned pregnancies! Call us to talk about birth control and/or pregnancy options that are best for you. 613-226-3234 ext. 100.

For many women in their 40s, contraception is generally no longer a high health care priority.  Decreases in fertility during this decade, along with heavy or irregular periods, may lead these women to believe they cannot get pregnant and can discontinue birth control. However, this assumption....

#WhatILearnedToday: "What Does Consent Really Mean?" helps children and teenagers get familiar with the concept of #consent. The illustrated book is also a good resource for parents of all cultures to learn how to discuss consent with their children.

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We were thrilled to take part in the #InternationalWomensDay celebration in Ottawa this evening. Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 #FemmyAwards. #IWD2018 #HashtagsAndBeyond

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Today we celebrate all women!

Thank you to the changemakers who paved the way for women today, and for those who are changing the future so all women's voices are heard.

We are joining many of Ottawa’s feminist organizations to celebrate #InternationalWomensDay and recognize 10 years of honouring local feminists.


This year, the public event will be hosted at the Horticultural Building at Lansdowne Park. Please make sure to swing by our table -- we’d love to see you there!

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Join us on March 8, 2018 for Ottawa’s biggest International Women’s Day celebration, featuring the annual Femmy Awards ceremony honouring local feminist change-makers, an activist fair, powerful ar…

In our workshop on communication skills with immigrant parents, we asked how parents define the qualities of a good communicator. Below are some examples of what they came up with.

To book workshops for immigrant parents and service providers on how to communicate about sexual health with children, and how to answer "difficult questions", contact our Parent Peer Leadership Coordinator at 613-226-3234. ext. 304/ #cdnimm

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Feminist Twins

F R E E film screening! In spirit of International Women's day, we are showing the film Birthright: A War Story followed by a brief presentation by Planned Pare...nthood Ottawa. This event is made possible with the support from CUSA Womyn's Centre and Graduate Students' Association, Carleton University. Reserve a spot by visiting…

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On March 10 Feminist Twins​, CUSA’s Womyn’s Centre, and Graduate Student Association will be screening the documentary film Birthright. Planned Parenthood Ottawa​ will be delivering a presentation at the end of the screening. See below for more details. We hope to see you there.

Birthright, "is a feature length documentary that examines how women are being jailed, physically violated and even put at risk of dying as the radical movement tightens its group across America."

Feminist Twins, CUSA’s Womyn’s Centre, and Graduate Student Association are pleased to bring you this screening of Birthright: A War Story! First and foremost, we would like to acknowledge that this event, like all of our work, takes place on unsurrendered and unceded Algonquin territory. About ...

New study emphasizes the importance of frank discussions about teen sexting.

"Teen sexting may be more common than you think."

A sizable number of young people under 18 engage in sexting, the practice of electronically sharing sexually explicit material, with an estimated one in seven sending sexts and one in four receiving them, a U.S. study suggests.

#SRHWeek: During our education workshops for youth, we often get asked, "What do you think is an appropriate age for sex?" Our response? Only you can know when you are ready for sex, but here are some things to consider when making that decision...

To learn more about common questions we’re asked and our responses to them, check out this resource:

What is an appropriate age for sex? We often get asked what is an appropriate age for sex. Our answer is that only each individual knows when they are ready for sex but here are some things to consider that might help: I can talk to my partner honestly, even when it’s awkward.

#FemmyAward nominations has opened up. The deadline is Feb 23rd. Nominate your favorite feminist and share the link below with your networks. The nomination forms are finalized in French and English at the #IWD Ottawa website:

Make Your 2018 “Femmy” Award Nominations for Outstanding Feminist Achievement in the National Capital Region English: 2018 Femmy Award Nomination Form Francais: Formulaire 2018 de mise en can…

#SRHWeek: Some facts about refugees' and newcomers' #reproductivehealth issues and how they are prone to experiencing a higher degree of prenatal depression.
Read the full article here:

The background is yellow. A drawn image of a pregnant person in black shows on the far left side. A speech bub in green background and white outline says in bullet points: "Refugees and new immigrants are more likely to suffer from prenatal depression. They're also less likely to report the experience of violence associated with pregnancy. Survivors of intimate partner violence experience a 3-5 times increase of prenatal depression symptoms." Below it is written: "Source: Scoping Review on Maternal Health among Immigrant and Refugee Women in Canada: Prenatal, Intrapartum, and Postnatal Care, 2017." PPO logo is in the bottom, centre.

Planned Parenthood Ottawa is hiring an Options Counselling Coordinator. See the link below for more details. The deadline is Feb 22nd, 5 pm. We look forward to #hiring a dynamic team member!

The poster is yellow, and dark green in the bottom. It reads: "Planned Parenthood Ottawa is hiring an Options Counselling Coordinator. Apply by February 22nd, 5 pm." In the bottom is PPO's logo.

#HappyValentinesDay! Come and pick up some free condoms at Planned Parenthood Ottawa, 222 Somerset St. W., Suite 404 Or order online from to have some delivered to your door!

The background is white. In red big letters it is written: "Happy Valentines Day!" Below it in small green letters written: "Pick up free condoms from Planned Parenthood Ottawa or order online from" There is a heart shape made out of condoms below it, followed by PPO logo.

In the wake of ongoing sexual assault revelations, Rachel Giese writes about the need for "deeper and more nuanced conversations" with boys and young men about what consent means, rather than just telling them that “no means no.”

"Now that we can no longer deny the prevalence of these behaviours and attitudes, how do we prevent young men from engaging in it?"

Below read the full article. #ValentinesDay #Consent #SRHWeek

For parents, talking to their sons has taken on a new urgency. ​ Rachel Giese asks how it can be done better

Today is #ValentinesDay!

When we ask our education workshop participants about what they think might be the reason(s) for someone to not verbally ask for consent, and for someone to not verbally say “no” to a sexually activity, we often hear the following responses:

The top of the poster is green, it follows by light brown, and the bottom is green. The background is white. It reads on top: When we teach consent we hear...
Below it are two columns, one on the left reads: "Reasons not to verbally check in with a partner about whether or not they want to have sex..." Below it is two points: "Because it's awkward, Because they might say 'Not'". The column on the right reads: "Reasons someone might NOT say "No" and try to stop the sexual activity unless they are explicitly asked if they want  to have sex..." Below it each point reads: 
Because they don't want to hurt their partners feelings, Because they were in shock and were not expecting sexual activity, Because they are worried their partner might physically hurt them, Because they are worried their partner might get angry at them, Because they are scared that their  "No" might not be respected, Because they have experienced sexual violence before and  do not know what to do, Because their partner is in a position of power over them". The text in the bottom of the page reads: "IF YOU NEED HELP ADDRESSING THE CONCEPT OF CONSENT, CALL PLANNED PARENTHOOD OTTAWA! 613-226-3234"