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StarShipSofa 557 David Whitaker

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Main Fiction: “Choose” by David Whitaker

This story is a StarShipSofa original.

David Whitaker is originally from the UK, but having ambled around a bit somehow found himself living in New Zealand. He has a degree in Journalism, however ultimately decided that as he prefers making things up it should probably be a resource rather than a profession. His fiction has appeared in Flash Fiction Online, Andromeda Spaceways Magazine, Sci Phi Journal, and AntipodeanSF, and you can find him and all his other works at wordsbydavid.com.

Narrated by: Summer Brooks

Summer Brooks is a story addict who watches too much television, and she enjoys putting her encyclopedic sci-fi geek knowledge to the test in discussions about sci-fi, horror, and comics. She has been doing just that on Slice of Sci,Fi since 2005, as co-host, producer, host and EIC, and as The Babylon Podcast co-host from 2006-2012.

Summer is also an avid reader and writer of sci,fi, fantasy, and thrillers, with a handful of published credits to her name. Next on her agenda is writing an urban fantasy action-adventure, and a monster movie extravaganza. She also does narrations for Tales to Terrify, StarShip Sofa, and Escape Pod among others, and has doing audiobooks in her sights.

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