Showing posts with label new york city. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new york city. Show all posts

Thursday, April 09, 2009

This Weekend: Third Annual New York City Anarchist Bookfair

Tis indeed the season of the anarchist gatherings and bookfairs - last weekend i had a very enjoyable time in Toronto, next weekend is the Third Annual New York City Anarchist Bookfair!

Here's the info:

Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
btw. Thompson and Sullivan Streets

Office & many events are at the
239 Thompson Street entrance
around corner

New York City, a center of anarchist life, culture, struggle, and ideas for 150 years, will host its 3rd annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair, a one-day exposition of books, zines, pamphlets, art, film/video, and other cultural and very political productions of the anarchist scene worldwide, on April 11, 2009 at Judson Memorial Church in Manhattan. In addition, there will be two days of panels, presentations, workshops, and skillshares on April 11 and 12 to provide further opportunities to learn more and share your own experience and creativity.

The goal of the book fair is to enable people to connect with one another as well as to provide broader access to the rich and varied field of anarchist ideas and practices. We're living in interesting times; as they say, crisis equals both risk and opportunity. Now is the perfect time to be exploring those ideas and practices and bringing them into play in our communities and the world.

We are calling for all anarchist publishers, zinesters, film/videographers, artists and all members of the worldwide anarchist community. Come meet local anarchists and others from all over the globe looking to connect with other anarchists. Whether you are an old anarchist with deep ties and knowledge or anarcho-curious and looking to find out more about anarchy, the book fair is for you. The 3rd Annual Anarchist Book Fair is a place where the ideas, activism, ethics, creativity and history of the contemporary anarchist movement come together in an exciting weekend of community and collaboration.

Food will be available ($), plus childcare (free). Wheelchair accessible. Smoke-free environment. The Book Fair has adopted a policy of zero-tolerance for racist, sexist, queer-phobic, and other disrespectful behavior that works against an environment of tolerance and inclusiveness for a truly diverse range of communities.

To contact the NYC Anarchist Book Fair Organizing Collective to volunteer, make a donation, or get more information, email us at info [at]

for more information:

Thursday, April 10, 2008

[New York City] Second Annual NYC Anarchist Bookfair

Saturday April 12, NYC
The Second Annual NYC Anarchist Bookfair (2008) will host a one-day exposition of books, zines, pamphlets, art, film/video, and other cultural and very political productions of the anarchist scene worldwide, on Saturday, April 12, 2008 at Judson Memorial Church in Manhattan.


If you're in town for the NYC Anarchist Bookfair, you will most definitely want to head over to Bluestockings Bookstore to check out some excellent events being put on by our good friends over at PM Press


Friday, April 11th @ 7PM - Free
READING: Rick Dakan "Geek Mafia" Rick Dakan reads from "Geek Mafia" and "Geek Mafia: Mile Zero," his new series of techno crime novels.


Saturday, April 12th @ 7PM - Free
Come out for the release of a stack of books and celebrate with their authors. Friends, groupies, nay-sayers and strangers are all invited. Food, drinks and mingling are nice, yes? In the crowd will be crime fiction writer Rick Dakan ("Geek Mafia: Mile Zero"), artist Josh MacPhee ("32 Postcards", unstoppable Melody Berger ("F-Word Zine"), squatter artist Fly ("32 Postcards"), punk author Sascha Dubrul ("The Secret Life Of White People"), hothead creator Diane DiMassa ("32 Postcards"), and visionary Jennifer Silverman ("My Kid Rides The Short Bus").


Sunday, April 13th @ 7PM - $5 Suggested
SCREENING: Big Noise Films "The War Of 33" (2008, 30 minutes)
The documentary "The War Of 33: Letters from Beirut" is an intimate recounting of the 2006 war in Lebanon. The film's arc is provided by the letters of Hanady Salman as she writes of people's struggles to maintain their humanity. The universal story that emerges is one of love, resistance, and survival in the face of uncertainty and violence. PM Press will also preview Clifton Ross's documentary "Venezuela: Revolution From The Inside Out" and "3 Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation".

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Potentially Interesting Event in NYC

An interesting discussion about an upcoming event in NYC (Opposing Antisemitism in the Movement: A Workshop for Activists) is taking place on NYC Indymedia… some of you may find it worth checking out.

Oh, and for info on the event itself:

OPPOSING ANTISEMITISM IN THE MOVEMENT: A WORKSHOP FOR ACTIVISTSWhen: Sunday, July 23, 6:30 p.m.Where: Bluestockings, 172 Allen Street, between Stanton and Rivington Streets, Manhattan (directions below).Antiauthoritarians and social justice activists often think they're immune from racism and prejudice. But many Jewish activists' experience shows that forms of antisemitism are alive and well in the social justice movement. This not only drives away many Jewish activists, but profoundly affects our work as a movement. This workshop brings together two longtime activists who have studied how the left responds to antisemitism for an evening of instruction and experience-sharing that will help us understand and combat its effects in the activist community.Antisemitism is more than a "prejudice." It's a political worldview that can creep into the work of even dedicated fighters against oppression and injustice. This workshop will begin with the essentials: What is antisemitism? How is it different from what we've been taught it is? We will then explore the ways that antisemitism manifests itself today within movements against capitalism, the state, corporate globalization, and other forms of oppression, and what problems have kept the left from tackling antisemitism historically. We will look at how antisemitism damages the struggle for justice. Finally, we will discuss how we as activists can get better at seeing and fighting antisemitism where it arises.This workshop is designed to be an interactive learning experience, where participants are encouraged to discuss their own experiences and concerns. The panelists are: April Rosenblum, a Philadelphia-based activist and author of "The Past Didn't Go Anywhere," a pamphlet for radicals on resisting antisemitism. Peter Staudenmeier, a faculty member, Institute for Social Ecology and author of "Fascist Ecology: The 'Green Wing' of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents." Eric Laursen (moderator), a writer, organizer, and longtime global justice and antiwar activist.$5 suggested. No one turned away.Directions: Bluestockings, 1 block south of the Second Avenue stop (F train) and 5 blocks from the Essex-Delancey Street stop (J,M,Z trains).

I know nothing about this event, so it could certainly turn out good or bad – i look forward to hearing reports about it!