Throughout the turbulent bend in the trajectory of the people’s war in India, many territories firmly held by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) were violently returned to the hands of the corrupt Indian state. The temporary return of “peace” to these areas, however, is no consolation to the masses of people who occupy them. […]

[Leftist Critic is an independent writer, researcher, and comrade who cares about the world around them. Other than posting on radical subreddits, they also tweet infrequently at @leftistcriticabout about the murderous US empire, international solidarity with nations and peoples under attack, and provide necessary criticism of the Western “Left.” They can be reached at] […]

PDF – China: A Modern Social-Imperialist Power In May of 2017, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) initiated a study posing the question of whether China had or had not become a new imperialist power. The resulting report answers in the affirmative: In the view of the CPI(Maoist), the People’s Republic of […]

[Leftist Critic is an independent writer, researcher, and comrade who cares about the world around them. Other than posting on radical subreddits, they also tweet infrequently at @leftistcriticabout about the murderous US empire, international solidarity with nations and peoples under attack, and provide necessary criticism of the Western “Left.” They can be reached at] […]

Two nights ago Brazil suffered the tragic loss of more than 200 years of work collecting, studying and presenting the history of the country and its many peoples. A fire engulfed the National Museum, home to more than 20 million artifacts, including a 12,000 year-old human skull, the oldest human remains found in Brazil. The […]

[The following essay was originally published by the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Naxalbari before its merger with the CPI (Maoist), written by comrade Ajith, one of their foremost cadre and spokesmen internationally. The essay aims to explore the historical development of the Maoist party, its axioms and relationship to the development of communist parties in […]

Seven years after formally ceasing operations, the u.$. navy’s 2nd fleet has been reactivated and ordered to the northern Atlantic as a means of confronting “bad actors” they believe hostile to imperialist interests. It is more than obvious these “actors” are in fact one actor—Russia. This is riding a high-tide of inter-imperialist tension and rivalry […]

[Originally published as part of a larger work, Post-modernism Today: A Brief Introduction by Siraj, this particular essay stands quite well on its own as a condemnation of post-modernism from a Maoist standpoint. This essay, and the larger work it comes from, are available in full at As always, the following has been made available […]

As of 2016 more than 80% of active workers in the united $tates are employed by the service—or tertiary—sector, a large variety of jobs which are defined primarily against the traditional backdrop of “productive” labor employed in agriculture, industry or resource extraction. This is where a bulk of the so-called “unskilled” workforce is employed, particularly […]

[The following statement was made by the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) concerning the development of class struggle in Venezuela and internal struggle within the Bolivarian movement. The PCV sums up their achievements in the recent National Assembly of the Workers’ and Trade Union Movement, and draws clear lines between its own, revolutionary line, and […]

[Leftist Critic is an independent writer, researcher, and comrade who cares about the world around them. Other than posting on radical subreddits, they also tweet infrequently at @leftistcriticabout about the murderous US empire, international solidarity with nations and peoples under attack, and provide necessary criticism of the Western “Left.” They can be reached at] By Leftist Critic On […]

[The following was originally published by MIM(Prisons), dealing with questions posed in the 8th issue of Under Lock & Key, concerning the relationship between the amerikan prison system, those it incarcerates and the parasitic classes that benefit from it. We highly encourage all comrades to both read and support the work of MIM(Prisons) in their efforts […]

With reports of the inclusion in the new Cuban constitution of clauses reifying and protecting private property, an analysis of revisionist trends and the ongoing project for capitalist restoration in Cuba and beyond has once again become relevant for the world communist movement. According to TeleSUR, reporting on a series of statements from Granma, the […]

Some time has passed since our last update, but the war has not been put on hold. The u.$. imperialists have continued their campaign of murder and theft against the Afghan people, and have met with stiffer resistance as a result. The “forever war” drags on, despite the supposed “absolute superiority” of the amerikan military, […]

[Leftist Critic is an independent writer, researcher, and comrade who cares about the world around them. Other than posting on radical subreddits, they also tweet infrequently at @leftistcriticabout about the murderous US empire, international solidarity with nations and peoples under attack, and provide necessary criticism of the Western “Left.” They can be reached at] By Leftist Critic Last […]

[The following intervention by comrade Basanta elucidates further the crisis and opportunity faced by genuine revolutionaries in Nepal following the liquidation and merger into the NCP on May 18th. For another revolutionary perspective on these events, see Baidya’s intervention. Both texts were originally hosted on Banned Thought, and have been edited here for grammar. As always, […]

Despite recent traction the left appeared to be gaining in the cultural sphere with its inclusion in the opposition to the “fascist” Trump administration, the opposition and its left-wing have since run into very serious political roadblocks in the form of directionless and immaterial calls to “oust” the president and his cohorts. Informal linkages between […]

Originating out of the class conflicts in the capitalist economies of the imperialist core of the late 19th century, the labor aristocracy has become the most significant variable in contemporary class analysis. It is the most important aspect of any serious study of the nature and hierarchy of classes in our present world. In its […]

Recently, the governments of Germany, Austria and Italy have made public their plans for a close future partnership in regards to border security. Its goal is to enhance cooperation of the countries of this partnership in regards to border protection, but as well to plan and promote the defense of European borders as a whole. […]

Formed originally as a result of intense class struggle coupled with the top-heavy development of capitalism—and monopoly capitalism more specifically—the labor aristocracy has now risen to play a pivotal role in the development of the communist movement, especially in the imperialist core. The first mentions of what can be understood as the nascent labor aristocracy […]