Posted: December 24, 2013 in Uncategorized

Social unrest over police actions, poverty and corruption have grown Black Bloc rank

Demonstrators in Niteroi, near Rio de Janeiro, overturn a bus during protests. Clashes with police continued even as bus fare hikes were rolled back in two cities after protests on June 20, 2013.

Demonstrators in Niteroi, near Rio de Janeiro, overturn a bus during protests. Clashes with police continued even as bus fare hikes were rolled back in two cities after protests on June 20, 2013.

By Bradley Brooks, The Associated Press, October 23, 2013

When a tear-gas canister rattled around at Andrea Coelho’s feet, a masked young man picked it up and tossed it back at police. Right there, the kindergarten teacher decided she backed him and his fellow Black Bloc anarchists. Read the rest of this entry »

On Friday (January) the 13th 2012, Mandy Hiscocks was sentenced to 20-24 month for 1 count of Counseling to Commit Mischief and Counseling to Obstruct Police. With 31 days in pretrial custody and harsh bail conditions taken into account, Mandy’s remaining time to serve is 16 months.

With the courthouse filled with supporters, more than could even fit in the courtroom, Mandy delivered an awesome speech chastising the justice system and enlightening the judge as to why exactly, her desires have not been deterred by her sentence. Read the rest of this entry »

Woman who counselled G20 window-smashing sentenced to 10 months in prison

Megan O’Toole, National Post, Dec 20, 2011


A self-described “anarchist” who counselled others to smash store windows during G20 protests in Toronto last year has been sentenced to 10 months in prison.

Leah Henderson was among a group of six who pleaded guilty in November to counselling the commission of mischief in the run-up to the 2010 world leaders’ summit, where a small group of violent protesters wreaked havoc in the downtown core. Read the rest of this entry »

Following the June 2010 G20 summit in Toronto, a wave of repression came down on anarchists and anti-authoritarians in Southern Ontario. Ryan Rainville was one of those arrested and held in jail for three months before being released into house arrest at a Native men’s residence in Toronto called Sagatay. Read the rest of this entry »

Peter Edwards Staff Reporter, The Star (Toronto)

Mon Dec 05 2011–g20-attack-on-police-car-nets-house-arrest#.Tt1Ue7WoXyc.twitter

A self-described anarchist was sentenced to an eight-month conditional sentence, on top of pretrial custody, for his attacks on three police vehicles during the G20 riots. Read the rest of this entry »



November 22, 2011 — As people across Turtle Island look towards the global wave of protests against the austerity agenda, the memory of the 2010 G20 protests in Toronto looms large as both inspiration and caution. We are seventeen people accused by the state of planning to disrupt the leaders summit – the prosecutors call us the G20 Main Conspiracy Group. Read the rest of this entry »