Dark Nights #47 : ‘Against Surveillance State UK / Contra la Vigilancia del Estado de Reino Unido’ – EN/ES (ACN)

October 7th, 2018

PDF: Dark Nights #47 – EN

PDF: Dark Nights #47 – ES

‘Against Surveillance State UK – Against Facial Recognition CCTV’

‘Contra la Vigilancia del Estado de Reino Unido – Contra el CCTV de Reconocimiento Facial’

International anarchist newsletter in English and Spanish versions. Latest issue of Dark Nights returns after more than two years. Download, copy and distribute.

Boletín anarquista internacional en versiones en inglés y español. El último número de Dark Nights regresa después de más de dos años. Descargar, copiar y distribuir.

Anti-Copyright Network

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Trial update on Mayday case prisoners (Indonesia)

October 7th, 2018

We need to explain, that we have difficulty finding information regarding detainees due to separate case files and also different the trial schedules between them and the schedules change of the trial day, but this did not stop us from giving information to you (readers).

Since October 6, 2018, we have been striving to get the latest information regarding the Class War Prisoners in Yogyakarta who were related to the M1 incident that happened in the past at the intersection of UIN Yogyakarta, from those 11 prisoners they have all received legal assistance (Advocate), with the following details: Read the rest of this entry »

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Wer ist Arturo Vasquez? Ein Anwaltsassistent oder ein Oeko-Extremist? (Amerika)

October 7th, 2018

Arturo Vasquez (Atassa)

Arturo Vasquez (Atassa)

EN: Who is Arturo Vasquez, a Paralegal or an Eco-Extremist Mafia? (USA)
ES: EE.UU: ¿Quién es Arturo Vasquez, un asistente legal o uno de la “Mafia Eco-Extremista”?
BAHASA: Mengungkap Art Cabrera! (Mengungkap Gereja ITS bag i)

Lasst uns gemeinsam den Vorhang vor der sogenannten ‘Eco-Extremist Mafia’ zurueckziehen und sie mit Hilfe unserer Kontakte etwas mehr zu entlarven. Als Anarchist*innen gehoert es zu unseren Aufgaben, Informationen ueber unsere autoritaeren, faschistischen, reaktionaeren und irrationalen Feinde aufzuspueren und zu sammeln. Diese ‘Mafia’ sagte, dass sie sich lange Zeit im Schatten versteckt hielt, moeglicherweise haben sie sich allerdings in der Besenkammer mit Umschlaegen, Papieren, Stiften und Computern versteckt.

‘Art Cabrera’ ist Arturo Vasquez. Wer ist Art Cabrera’? Er ist Herausgeber der oekofaschistischen Zeitschrift Atassa, die das englische Sprachrohr der Kirche von ITS Mexiko ist: ‘Individualisten, die sich dem Wilden zugewandt haben’.

Vasquez, ein Stueck Dreck der fuer die Uebersetzung und Verbreitung des sogenannten ‘Oeko-Extremismus‘ aus den USA verantwortlich ist, versucht seine reaktionaere Doktrin voranzutreiben, waehrend er ein voellig falsches und verlogenes Doppelleben fuehrt. Wir freuen uns, seinen richtigen Namen mit Foto und Kontaktdaten vom Arbeitsplatz zu veroeffentlichen, um ihm kleinere und groessere Probleme zu bereiten. Da Vasquez immer froh darueber war, der Kirche der Oeko-Extremisten zu dienen, Morddrohungen gegen unsere anarchistischen Gefaehrt*innen anzuzetteln und dabei glaubte, unantastbar zu sein, haben wir grosse Freude daran, seine gesammelten Daten im Internet zu veroeffentlichen (doxxing). Hier ist die Firma, fuer die er in seinem wirklichen Leben arbeitet, nicht die seiner Fantasiewelt, in der er der Boss der ‘Oeko-Extremisten Mafia’ in Amerika ist:


Vielleicht moechten ja einige der antifaschistischen und anarchistischen Gefaehrt*innen in Amerika seinen Arbeitsplatz oder auch seine Frau kontaktieren, um vor ihm als gefaehrliches Mitglied der ‘Oeko-Extremisten Mafia’ zu warnen alle Kontakt daten sind dort zu finden. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Anti-Fascist |

Three anti-fracking activists sent to prison for NVDA (UK)

October 6th, 2018

Receive and transmit:

Three people have recently been sent to prison for 15 and 16 months for an anti-fracking action (one was on remand and was just released). Please learn more about their case here.

The three prisoners are currently being held at Preston prison. We are unsure how long they will remain in Preston before being moved on to another prison. However, letters of support are very welcome. To write to them write to: HMP Preston, 2 Ribbleton Lane, Preston, Lancs, PR1 5AB, UK. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

(A-Radio) International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

October 6th, 2018

Each year the end of August (23-30.8.) is the time for the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners. And to make sure that you know what this week is about and why it is needed we made an interview with a comrade who is part of the group that organized this years’ Week of Solidarity.

This audio has been published originally as part of the International Anarchist Radio Network’s “Bad News” show #15 (September 2018), which you can find here.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here.

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here.

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

International Anarchist Defence Fund – Appeal for Action and Solidarity

October 4th, 2018

Appeal from the International Anarchist Defence Fund, project of the Anarchist Black Cross and related groups.

A-Fund turned one year this September. This was the time when we issued our first call for joining the project last year. It took us another half a year to figure out collective processes and the concept of the fund. We have tried our best to reach out to groups with a call to donate, but so far we haven’t received as much feedback as we were expecting. The lack of publicity results in low number of donations, and this situation can eventually lead to the loss of interest from the side of support-seekers. We would like to provide bigger support, but this involves attracting more donations. We are determined to break this vicious circle. But we need your help.

So, as our next steps, we have identified reaching out to all possible anarchist groups, asking them to spread information about the fund, spread our flyers, put a banner on their websites, putting advertisements in anarchist magazines, etc. But the problem is that we don’t know so many languages and contexts, that’s why we need the help of volunteers from all imaginable countries and regions who would help us compile a comprehensive list of anarchist collectives in their regions, get links to their websites and contacts, identifying sites with open publication, etc.

If you are one of these people, please feel free to contact us at a-fund@riseup.net

you can have a look at our last quarterly report


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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Human of steel | Haukur Hilmarsson | Immortal in Afrin (Rojava)

October 4th, 2018

Memorial video for the anarchist internationalist fighter of Rojava Haukur Hilmarsson (Sahin Huseyni). Sehid Sahin has fought against I.S. (DAESH) in Raqqa and martyred while he was defending Afrin from Turkish State’s military invasion.

Ruis Rojava

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Posted in Anti-Fascist |

‘Kronika odporu’ – Chronicle of Resistance (Czech Republic)

October 3rd, 2018

Chronicle of Resistance

For a long time, we hesitated how we would take the word. First of all, we have led discussions that have allowed us to understand what we have. Then we set up this site https://kronika.noblogs.org/ about global anarchist practice. That’s what we missed here, and that makes sense to us.

There are many important topics and we do not have the capacity to do it with everyone. We will try to bring at least some information about attacks, campaigns, projects, communiqués … about living anarchist practices.

In the way, there are state pawns and their fake critics, such as „anarchists“ from academia, leftists, journalists, pacifists and other reformists. We will go against their way. We will be of explaining our attitudes here. No, we do not believe we will change the strength of the arguments of their attitudes. But we want to bring
food for the brains to our comrades. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

Treviso, Italy : Northern League premises attacked by Haris Hatzimihelakis Cell/Black International (1881-2018)

September 27th, 2018

Tired of being silent, tired of seeing systematic violence every day through racism, sexism and waged labor that take place in society, whose essential values are authority and profit. Sick of exploitation we see all political parties as main responsible, as they repress freedom with the state, reformist and repressive apparatus (TV, the mass-media, associations, the army, the civil protection, etc.) The state and capital are the biggest criminals, they even violate their own laws, they steal through taxes, they kill through wars and waged labor, rejections of migrants’ boats in the sea, concentration camps for immigrants in Europe and Africa, they contaminate irreversibly men, animals and the entire planet, all for their profit and power.

Let’s not forget the hypocritical complicity of society made of citizens who pretend not to see the horrors of present and past racism and nationalism. This acceptance is the pillar of totalitarianism and democracy: in the course of time the authority based on indifference, fear, apathy was able to create Gulags and nazi concentration camps, and today the concentration camps in Libya and outside our homes. It’s history that repeats itself. Read the rest of this entry »

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Santiago, Chile: Segundo comunicado conjunto. Por un Septiembre Negro y Combativo

September 27th, 2018

Santiago, 11 de Septiembre 2018

“Hemos decidido rebelarnos frente a esta realidad de mierda, que sin duda nada tiene que ver con nosotros. Pasan los años, y una pregunta me da vuelta en la cabeza. ¿Será siempre así? ¿Es que no tenemos derecho a una vida digna y alegre? ¿Todos los días serán iguales?
Nos cansamos de aplanar esquinas. De estudiar sin saber para qué. De tener que sacarse la cresta por un pedazo de pan. Nos cansamos de ver prostitutas de 11 años y que nos inunden con el Mapocho para salvar a Providencia. Estamos cabreados de los milicos asesinos, de pacos locos y prepotentes, de gerentes ladrones. (…) Queremos ser personas, vivir nuestra juventud. (…) Que no quede ningún asesinato, tortura o atropello sin justicia”.

Movimiento Juvenil Lautaro

El 11 de Septiembre es un hito, marca una antes y un después, lo queramos o no. El 11 de Septiembre ricxs y poderosxs de Chile golpearon la mesa e hicieron prevalecer sus privilegios. El proyecto legalista de la Unidad Popular y también expresiones más radicalizadas de la lucha, vieron notoriamente mermadas sus fuerzas para combatir lo que se avecinaba, de esta manera terminaron siendo aplastados por la bota militar. La derrota fue instalada. Los deseos y las ansias de libertad no pueden ser defendidos solo con buenas intenciones, esto lo aprendimos del dolor que conlleva una lección como esta.

La sociedad chilena fue quirúrgicamente modificada entre decretos, leyes, toques de queda, detenidxs desaparecidxs, muertxs (en falsos y reales enfrentamientos), montajes que avalaban el actuar dictatorial, torturadxs (humilladxs, violadxs, o llevadxs al extremo en simulaciones de fusilamiento), presxs políticxs, exiliadxs, entre otros tantos hechos cuya descripción se vuelve una pesadilla. No obstante y pese a ello, el 11 de Septiembre es una fecha de memoria y de no resignación a los sueños por una vida mejor. Read the rest of this entry »

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Information About a Known Snitch: Achmad Azwar Darmawan (Indonesia)

September 27th, 2018

ES: El detenido Achmad Azwar Darmawan colabora con la policía

For the first time in the Indonesia anarchist movement there is a snitch who has given information blaming a known anarchist comrade in that territory for organising the Mayday demo (M1) in Yogyakarta. Several comrades are still hunted by police and had to go underground. Here is the info:

Achmad Azwar Darmawan was one of the people who were arrested during the M1 (May 1st) protest in Yogyakarta. He and three other people were arrested when they escaped to Bogor. They were accused of writing down the anti-monarchy graffiti during the protest, which upset a lot of people. Two people became suspects, while two others were set free. It should be emphasized that the escape was done based on individual and group (affinity) decision where each participant was expected to understand that the action was done based on a joint decision (read: without any leader).

The decision-process among M1 participants, especially among those who wore all-black, was very different from the decision-process among leftists or other authoritarian groups, which usually is controlled by a party or a certain central-command, which is very hierarchical. There was no orchestrator who initiated the protest. Azwar is a deluded leftist who risk his comrades for his own safety. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

TagX! Berlin must burn! – Direct action chronology of resistance (Germany)

September 27th, 2018

Erdogan – the stray dog from the Bosporus – will come to Berlin on September 29 and become a terrorist legitimized through the German state government. The warmongers and fascists will meet to resolve further deals on the “refugee issue”. While the arms industry pops bottles and the Federal Republic of Germany grants arms exports into the billions, innumerable people are dying in this war. This is the reason for us to disturb, sabotage, and attack this state visit. Not all of us are facing this destruction deedless. Our signs of rage and resistance reached as well our international comrades, who will fight with us on the day the fascist is coming to Germany. Shoulder to shoulder against fascism! Down with Erdogan and his fascist collaborateurs! For freedom! Read the rest of this entry »

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Madrid, Spanish State: Sabotage Within the Framework of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

September 27th, 2018

During the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners more than a dozen ATMs in different neighborhoods of Madrid were sabotaged. The tools for these types of sabotage and simple and easy: hammers and sprays.

We understand solidarity as a continuity of the struggle that has led to our compañerxs being held in the prisons of the State. Anarchist solidarity is much more than just a written word or doing assistance work with the prisoners. This
solidarity is materialized via attacks against the structures of capitalism and State, and seeks to deepen the conflict through direct action.

Down with the walls of the prisons. Long live anarchy.

For the compañerxs hit by Operation Scripta Manent!

For the compañerxs facing repression following the Hamburg G20 summit!

For the Indonesian anarchists prosecuted after May 1st!

For Lisa and all the anarchist prisoners!



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Salzburg, Austria: Attacks Against Federal Real Estate Company, Hypo Bank and the Tax Office

September 27th, 2018

During the night from Sunday to Monday we attacked BIG (Federal Real Estate Company) with fire and paint. They are responsible for building the prison in Puch. We attacked the Hypo bank with paint. They are the symbol of Black / Blue corruption and the speculation policies of the ÖVP (Austrian People’s Party) and FPÖ (Freedom Party of Austria). At the Tax Office we smashed windows and threw stink bombs, because we attack the State.

These actions took place in Salzburg on the 16th of September because a few days later the Austrian government is hosting an EU summit meeting to increase security and to introduce surveillance measures that will target migrants from the Middle East.

We shit on the demonstrations where the participants will be filmed, monitored and criminalized. We do not play by the rules of the powerful.

Source + Photos

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