Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Settlers, Oppressed Nations, Indigenous Peoples

A friend recently wrote me, asking me “after how many years/generations do new settlers become Indigenous to a land? So, for example, are the Boers descendants today in S. Africa, African?”

It’s a question i’ve had a number of conversations about, not because i’ve any kind of special standing on the issue, but i think because it’s a question undergirding a lot of ways things are talked about on the radical left and in anticolonial movements. Over the past years i have come to the conclusion that like so many other questions, there are multiple valid answers, and the point is not to fixate on one correct one, but rather to map out the consequences of the various possible positions. As our needs change, the frameworks that will be of most use for us will change. We can make words and frameworks mean whatever we want, but we cannot make the consequences of doing so whatever we want. That’s my starting point.

In radical left, liberal, and academic usage, “Indigenous” has replaced “aboriginal” in terms of meaning the people who were originally here. Which means you never become Indigenous merely by living some place (or your ancestors having lived in the place) for a long time. It is a matter of having been the ones there at the point that the cataclysmic event of euro-colonialism took place; in that sense, the fact of the unique world-historic tragedy of eurocolonialism is implicit in the framework itself. This meaning of the term i think is useful as it reveals certain political (and legal) questions specific to the peoples who were here and were colonized or who resisted and have continued to resist colonization from that turning point to the present, and because it recognizes that event as the epoch-defining catastrophe that it is.

But in terms of revolutionary left political strategy, i find the framework “colonized” and “suffering national oppression” to have a wider scope of application, and to be more generally germane. They don’t replace or “trump” the framework of Indigeneity, but they relate more directly to the social contradictions that drive society forward. National oppression in particular relates directly and neatly to class, in a way that Indigeneity does not necessarily do.1

Again, to be clear, national oppression doesn’t “trump” indigeneity, and this is not a matter of downgrading the strategic and ethical weight of Indigenous struggles. But these struggles are also struggles against national oppression, and it is that which in fact is normally the characteristic which best defines their relationship to capitalism-imperialism.

In this regard, i should also point out that the framework that is gaining ground, of indigeneity existing in a dichotomy with “settlers”, i find less useful than the use of the word “settlers” found in J. Sakai’s book by that name, i.e. limited to those who formed and continue to constitute the oppressor nations in the settler-colonies. Current usage includes non-Indigenous oppressed nationalities within settler-colonial states; this can lead to political errors. So although descendants of Africans, or Puerto Ricans, or Chicanos, may not be Indigenous, the framework i normally find most useful does not include them as settlers.

As to the related question of immigrants from other colonized nations, and whether they are best viewed as “settlers”, i think that is a question that will be determined by future developments “on the ground” as they say. These are people who almost always are coming to the imperialist countries in the hopes of enjoying a better standard of living than the world average, certainly better than the situation they leave behind. Yet racism is worsening in these same imperialist countries, becoming more prevalent even as its outside appearance may change, pushing people of color into more precarious situations, working similarly to exclude newcomers who do not share First World national privilege. Globally, most of these immigrants will remain excluded from whitelife, as will their descendants, while a minority (perhaps a large minority?) will be integrated within it. The latter group may be best categorized as “settlers”, though probably with qualifications (indeed, the same could be said for those from oppressed nations who have assimilated in to the global middle class). The former group, however, will become part of a multiethnic (though basically “people of color”) working class or lumpen collectivity which depending on the context, may or may not make sense to qualify as “settler”.

These are just my thoughts, in response to a friend’s question — but it is a question i have discussed with a number of people over the years, so it is something folks seem to think about. The thing i would stress, and not only around this question, is what i said at the beginning: these are best not viewed as questions with one correct answer, but rather as social phenomenon that can be understood using a variety of frameworks, each of which will have inescapable consequences in terms of both theory and practice. The aim should be to understand those consequences and factor them in to the decision as to which framework to adopt in a given situation.

  1. Indigeneity does relate directly to class as in the overwhelming majority of Indigenous peoples, the world over, suffer greater poverty and all the hardships that come from being excluded from economic wealth and oppressed by capitalism and even subject to genocide. But it does not relate neatly, as large numbers of people from other oppressed nations also share these same conditions.

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Saturday, September 26, 2015

This Group of Straight Men Is Swearing Off Women

All over the world, straight men are making the conscious decision not to be involved with women. This isn't a decision in any sort of metaphorical sense. These men are literally cutting women out of their lives, completely.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at This Group of Straight Men Is Swearing Off Women

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Montreal Against PEGIDA this Saturday / Montréal Contre PEGIDA ce samedi




This Saturday, the fascist scum from PEGIDA are going to try for a second time to march in the streets of Montreal to promote their xenophobic and racist ideas. (

There is reason to believe that PEGIDA will join the Silent March Against Bill 59 which is happening Saturday at 2pm (

The RSM-Montreal invited everyone who is concerned by the rise of racism and Islamophobia to meet at 1pm at Place Emilie-Gamelin, the starting point of the Silent March. Let’s take this opportunity to show that there are many of us who oppose these ideas. We will block the path of PEGIDA and their allies if necessary.

¡No pasarán!

** Note that this is not a gathering in support of Bill 59 **




Samedi prochain, la racaille fasciste de PEGIDA tentera pour une deuxième fois de défiler dans les rues montréalaises pour faire la promotion de ses idées xénophobes et racistes (

Nous avons de bonnes raisons de croire que PEGIDA prendra part à la Marche du Silence contre le projet de loi 59 prévue samedi à 14H00 (

Le MER-Montréal invite celles et ceux qui sont préoccupéEs par la montée de l’islamophobie et du racisme à se rassembler dès 13h00 à la place Émilie-Gamelin, point de départ de la Marche du silence. Profitons de cette occasion pour rappeler que nous sommes nombreusEs et nombreux à nous opposer à ces idées. Nous barrerons la route à PEGIDA et à ses alliéEs si nécessaire.

¡No pasarán!

**Notez que ceci n’est pas un rassemblement en appui au controversé Projet de loi 59**

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Saturday, September 19, 2015

De Nationaliste blanc à éco-anarchiste – Entrevue avec Maxime Fiset

Dans le cadre du mois d’Août et de sa thématique visant à publier les récits/entrevues de gens ayant subit une transformation radicale afin d’à la fois inspirer mes lecteurs à créer du changement autour d’eux et de démontrer que tout le monde peut changer (et gagne donc à être trai

Read the rest of this post on the original site at De Nationaliste blanc à éco-anarchiste – Entrevue avec Maxime Fiset

About the clenched-fist and cultural appropriation... : Libre expression

I’ve seen a number of posts lately on tumblr –and other social media– about the clenched-fist and cultural appropriation. More specifically, it seems a number of African-American activists wants to claim the clenched-fist for themselves.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at About the clenched-fist and cultural appropriation... : Libre expression

Porn, Sex Positivity, and Working Class Solidarity

The UK’s gradually expanding porn law restrictions have been going on for years and eventually came to a climax the end of 2014, when previously existing restrictions were applied to all pornographic material made in the UK.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Porn, Sex Positivity, and Working Class Solidarity

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Problem With College Educated Revolutionaries

There are many college-educated revolutionaries in cities and towns all through the United States. Whether they work at cafes, wash dishes, teach in public schools, or drive trains, they share the common experience of a college education.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at The Problem With College Educated Revolutionaries

Portrait de la misère quotidienne à Montréal

Des dizaines de milliers de Montréalais doivent s'affamer pour payer leur loyer ou sont contraints de vivre dans des logements insalubres, deux situations susceptibles d'entraîner des problèmes de santé physique et mentale.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Portrait de la misère quotidienne à Montréal

Russian politicians building an international extreme right alliance

Russia seems to be getting serious about building an international alliance of extreme right parties that would aim at undermining the liberal democratic consensus in the West.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Russian politicians building an international extreme right alliance

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Punaises de lit à Montréal : « On a perdu le contrôle »

Exclusif - La Grande Bibliothèque a de nouveau fait appel à un exterminateur, début septembre, en raison d'un problème de punaises de lit. Les spécialistes des parasites affirment que l'année 2015 est la pire de toutes et qu'ils ont du mal à répondre à la demande.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Punaises de lit à Montréal : « On a perdu le contrôle »

First Nations man tracks down person he believes killed his mother

Gary Wassaykeesic's 39-year quest to find the man he believes killed his mother came to a surprising end in a hospital room last week in Sioux Lookout, Ont. Sophie Wassaykeesic died in the small northern Ontario mining town of Central Patricia, now part of Pickle Lake, Ont., in 1976.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at First Nations man tracks down person he believes killed his mother

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Memorial/Celebration for Peter Collins in Montreal

(francais ci dessous)

Memorial/Celebration for Peter Collins in Montreal
When: September 25, 2015 at 7pm
Where: QPIRG Concordia, 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204

A night to remember and celebrate Peter Collins, an activist, artist, and prisoner who died in prison on August 13, 2015. Come out to QPIRG-Concordia on September 25, 2015 at 7pm to remember and celebrate the life of Peter Collins. Peter was an artist, activist, and prisoner with a life-sentence who died of cancer in Bath Penitentiary in Ontario. Peter’s art will be on display along with memories of him written by folks who knew him. There will be time for folks to speak about Peter and listen to some of his contributions to Montreal’s Prison Radio Show, where he was a contributer from inside prison for many years.

In lieu of flowers please donate to CFRC Radio, online here (MEMO: “Calls from Home Hotline”) or by cheque:

CFRC Radio (MEMO: “Calls from Home Hotline”),
Lower Carruthers Hall
62 Fifth Field Company Lane
Queen’s University
Kingston, ON
K7L 3N6

Calls From Home is a radio project that aims to bring prisoners and their family members and friends together once a month through community radio. It collects voicemail messages from loved ones and broadcasts them over the airwaves on the last Wednesday of each month from 7-8PM. Peter regularly listened to and participated in interviews for this program.

facebook event here:


Commémoration/Célébration de Peter Collins à Montréal

Quand: le 25 Septembre, 2015 à 19h
Ou: GRIP Concordia, 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204

Rejoignez-nous au GRIPQ-Concordia le 25 septembre 2015 à 19h pour commémorer et célébrer la vie de Peter Collins. Peter était un artiste, activiste et prisonnier condamné à la prison à perpétuité qui est mort d’un cancer dans le pénitencier de Bath en Ontario. Des œuvres d’art de Peter et des textes écrits en sa mémoire par des personnes le connaissant seront exposés. Il y aura aussi un temps accordé pour ceux et celles voulant parler de Peter et pour écouter quelque unes de ces contributions à l’émission de radio portant sur la prison (Prison Radio Show) de CKUT, une émission pour laquelle il a contribué grandement pour plusieurs années lorsqu’en prison.
À la place de fleurs, vous pouvez faire un don à CFRC Radio par internet au (mémo: «Calls from Home Hotline») ou par chèque à «CFRC Radio» (mémo «calls from Home Hotline») et nous l’envoyer par la poste à
CFRC Radio
Lower Carruthers Hall
62 Fifth Field Company Lane
Queen’s University
Kingston, ON
K7L 3N6

«Calls From Home» est une émission qui a pour but de réunir les prisonnierÉREs avec leur famille et amiEs une fois par mois à travers la radio communautaire. Ce projet rassemble les messages laissés sur notre boîte vocale et les diffuse chaque dernier mercredi du mois entre 19h et 20h. Peter écoutait régulièrement cette émission et nous a accordé quelques entrevues.


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Chican@ Power and the Struggle for Aztlan Author: a MIM(Prisons) Study Group

Fchicanopowerrom the Amerikan invasion and theft of Mexican lands, to present day migrants risking their lives to cross the U.$. border, the Chican@ nation has developed in a cauldron of national oppression and liberation struggles. This new book presents the history of the Chicano movement, exploring the colonialism and semi-colonialism that frames the Chican@ national identity. It also sheds new light on the modern repression and temptation that threaten liberation struggles by simultaneously pushing for submission and assimilation into Amerika.

Chicano Power and the Struggle for Aztlán is a must read for all involved in national liberation struggles in the United $tates today. Integrating gender and class into the discussion of the Chican@ nation, this book frames the struggle in a much needed analysis of history. Chicano Power and the Struggle for Aztlán lays the groundwork for the way forward for our struggle.

Read about:

  • The true history of Mexico and Amerika and the birth of the Chican@ nation
  • Many revolutionary heroes of the Chican@ people
  • Modern torture methods used against conscious Chican@s
  • The class makeup of the nation today
  • The way forward for the national liberation movement

About the Authors

The principal authors, Cipactli of the Brown Berets – Prison Chapter and Ehecatl, have served long prison sentences due to their class and nationality, and have worked many years as members of United Struggle from Within, the anti-imperialist prisoner organization.

This is the first book-length publication to come out of a MIM(Prisons)-led study group. This group included Chican@ scholars who come from the imprisoned lumpen class, spanning the divide imposed on the nation, north to south. The collaborative writing and editing effort began with the aim of bringing a clear analysis and history to the Chican@ masses. As the project grew, the final product is a vision of the path towards the liberation of Aztlán.


Available from

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Is China an Imperialist Country?

china_cover1Whether or not China is now a capitalist-imperialist country is an issue on which there is some considerable disagreement, even within the revolutionary left. This book brings together theoretical, definitional and logical considerations, as well as the extensive empirical evidence which is now available, to demonstrate that China has indeed definitely become a capitalist-imperialist country. Indeed, the issue is raised of whether the current world imperialist system is in fact in the early stages of bifurcating into two competing imperialist blocs, one led by the United States and the other led by China.

Is China an Imperialist Country? contains extensive data on:
  • the size and nature of the present Chinese capitalist economy;
  • the massive and rapidly growing export of capital from China, to Africa and around the world;
  • the very rapid expansion of the Chinese military for the purpose of ‘protecting’ China’s foreign investment;
  • the dangerous and growing contention between China and other imperialist powers, especially the United States.

This data is analyzed and interpreted in a Maoist framework, in order to decipher some of the implications of the past hundred years of Chinese—and world—history, for those who seek the overthrow and end to capitalism and imperialism in all its forms.

Readers who wish to correspond with the author, NB Turner, please write to

Available from


Product Details

Format: Paperback
Size: 173 pages
ISBN: 978-1-894946-75-9
Published 2015
Price: $17.00 (USD)

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Sterilization of indigenous women an act of genocide, new book says

An Act of Genocide, Colonialism and the Sterilization of Aboriginal Women was written by Karen Stote, an assistant professor of women and gender studies at Wilfred Laurier University in Ontario.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Sterilization of indigenous women an act of genocide, new book says

Heinrich Himmler: The Nazi Hindu by Palash Ghosh

More than 65 years after the fall of the Third Reich, Nazi Germany remains an obsession with millions of people around the world. Adolf Hitler was one of the most prominent historical figures from the 20th century, evoking both disgust and fascination.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Heinrich Himmler: The Nazi Hindu by Palash Ghosh

Q5 (#4): Ryan Conrad

Q1. This summer, you are digitizing a variety of LGBTQ newspapers at the University of Southern Maine in the Special Collections’ Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Q5 (#4): Ryan Conrad

Is intersectionality just another form of identity politics - Feminist Fightback

Feminist Fightback take a class-based look at intersectionality and identity politics. It reflects ‘thought in process’ rather than a final or united ‘position’, and was first circulated for discussion at the Plan C ‘Fast Forward’ event in September 2014.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Is intersectionality just another form of identity politics - Feminist Fightback