

Kersplebedeb is a one-person project devoted to producing and distributing radical books and pamphlets and agit prop materials.

Beigetreten November 2009


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  1. 18. Apr.

    La Chine appuie le projet de loi sur la laïcité (repost) – Kersplebedeb

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  2. 18. Apr.

    The land of the long white stain (repost) – Kersplebedeb

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  3. 4. Apr.

    Certain Days Calendar 2020: Call for Art and Article Submissions – Kersplebedeb

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  4. 14. März

    Manifestation contre le racisme et la xénophobie: ici et ailleurs (Montréal, 24 mars) – Kersplebedeb

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  5. 14. März

    Mass demonstration against racism and xenophobia: here and everywhere (Montreal, March 24) – Kersplebedeb

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  6. 12. März

    Anti-69: Against the Mythologies of the 1969 Criminal Code Reform (Ottawa, March 23-24, 2019) – Kersplebedeb

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  7. 4. März

    Jewish-Indigenous inmate alleges prison guard ‘brutality’ in new lawsuit (repost) – Kersplebedeb

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  8. 23. Feb.

    Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century (repost) – Kersplebedeb

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  9. 9. Feb.
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  10. 4. Feb.
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  11. 3. Feb.

    Kuwasi Balagoon, speaking from within Attica prison, over thirty years ago

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  12. 2. Feb.
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  13. 2. Feb.
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  14. 1. Feb.
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  15. 31. Jan.
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  16. 31. Jan.
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  17. 28. Jan.

    This is such a frustrating situation -- please take a moment, even if you have already called, to call or email again --- IDOC officials are lying saying that the situation has been dealt with, but Rashid STILL DOES NOT HAVE ACCESS TO HIS PROPERTY

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  18. 25. Jan.
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  19. 24. Jan.
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  20. 24. Jan.
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