Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Eight Years of Sketchy Thoughts

It has been eight years since i started this blog, basically as a way of trying to figure out how to develop and explore some political ideas and perhaps also deal with a period of political and personal isolation i was going through. It "worked", and provided a space not only to try and figure some things out, to record things i would otherwise have forgotten, and to try and elaborate a set of political reference points. It has been a nice complement to what at the time was the more business-oriented site i also run.

Of course, every medium shapes the message, and there are drawbacks to this particular format. For one, not all blog posts are equal, and not all have the same staying power. Reposting a callout for a demo may be more important than writing up thoughts on the Iranian Revolution, but a year later the latter might retain some value, while the former does not. Furthermore, for some reason, google does not index all blog posts. There are things i have written here that for whatever reason are essentially invisible to the internet. And finally, with the advent of Facebook, a lot of things i would have written about here, i now simply repost or "like" there. Facebook is an amazing organizing tool, but comes with a major built-in security liability, and tends to dumb down our thoughts as well as our conversations. Beyond the quip and the snark, anything worth saying becomes "TLDR" in a mindscape ruled by grumpy cats and bad collages dubbed "memes".

Ever since i set up the leftwingbooks website for stuff that i sell, the distinction between what belongs on Sketchy Thoughts and what belongs on kersplebedeb has become pretty arbitrary. The ideal would be to somehow combine them. For the past year or so i have been exploring, with different people, ways to do just this, in the hopes of making a more coherent and useful repertoire of documents and thoughts. This was supposed to happen before the end of 2012, but that obviously was as bit too hopeful. Nevertheless, i'm going to take advantage of this New Year's to post a retrospective of sorts, a compendium of the things i am most pleased with having written on this blog over the past 8 years. (Unfortunately, this leaves out the many excellent things other people have written which i have reposted here, as well as series of reports i posted which only take on relevance when seen together; however this is just not that kind of retrospective!)

My hope is that soon all of this will be consolidated in a new way, but in case it isn't, here is a guide to the my favorites out of over 1000 postings to have made it on to sketchy thoughts since 2005, in reverse chronological order and separated out into categories:

Class and National Contradictions in quebec (and canada)

Political Struggle

On the Subject of Patriarchy

Militant Resistance and State Repression in quebec (and canada)

Fascism, Warlordism, Genocide, and Other Nightmare Potentials

Nations, Colonialism, Imperialism

Science Fiction

Monday, December 03, 2012

Getting Back to the Blog?

As some of you may have noticed - those kind few of you who may still check in here - Sketchy Thoughts has been somewhat comatose for the past months (!), and not for the first time. A while back, Nate, over at the What In the Hell blog, enumerated some of the factors that i too feel make it tough  to always keep up with posting ... and he posts about 20-30 times more frequently than i do!

So what to do...

Going to try to get back into this, perhaps leaning on a few supports - one dear comrade usefully suggested that i post excerpts of articles or books that i find useful, and that will be a good start - and also will continue posting writings my other comrades, who for one reason or another may not have their own blog or site, but whose work i find valuable.

No promises, but hopefully more will appear in the days (hours?) to come...

Monday, February 23, 2009

RSS Feeds by Label

Many of us on the left, either as individuals or on behalf of organizations, have tried our hand at blogging. For myself, as someone who maintains several websites, a longtime frustration has been that the energy i am putting into the blog does not automatically get integrated into what else i'm doing. Unless i actually copy-paste a posting from Sketchy Thoughts, it won't show up on Kersplebedeb or anywhere else.

i've known about RSS feeds for a while, but they have had the disadvantage of being indiscriminate - i may want all of my posts about killer cops to show up on my Police & Justice page, but i may not want to clutter that page with all of my posts about translation.

This has been bugging me for some time, and i have searched on the internet for answers, but until a few days ago it was all to no avail. And then by luck, i came across it, a post on Blogger Buster from two years ago telling me exactly what to do.

It seems the blogger RSS feed does exist divvied out by label, and this is what it looks like:[yourblogID]/posts/[feedType]/-/[labelName]

[yourblogID] is a number that you will see in the URL bar whenever you click on anything in your blogger dashboard, right at the end it will say "blogID=" and then you'll have this big number - that's it! (mine is 17300290)

[feedType] i would want to leave as posts to give links back to my actual posts

[label] is the name of your label, with spaces replaced by %20

So my RSS feed just to my posts about "book reviews" would be:

This feed can then be placed, via blogger, on your sidebar, just as i have placed the feeds to various other blogs i like.

Of course, to integrate it into a webpage there's a few things that need to be done, involving php. While i'm learning to do this myself i don't want to try and explain it lest i make a mistake, but on my site what i am using is MagpieRSS, which you can download here - a tutorial on how to install/use it can be found here.

i'm very new to this myself, and will try to post more ideas as i come across them - in the meantime, i think this aspect of blogger feeds could prove particularly useful for myself, and maybe for you too.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Cleaning Up

Well with the coldest winter in a several years it's certainly not spring - but it is cleaning season for me. Cleaning up my websites, cleaning the blog, looking after the little details i should have been taking care of over the past year, except this book i was helping to put out kept getting in the way.

First things first, the blog. Experimenting with a icons (that's the purple "ST" thing that should be showing up somewhere on your screen if you're reading this), getting rid of links to dead blogs (depressingly many of them), and in general trying to making things nicer. i even found a widget from odiogo that will read my blog posts out loud...

So if you notice any changes over the next weeks that you do or don't like, or that you would like to know more about!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Bad Day? Try Blogging...

i'm a third of a way through my most recent copy of my fave magazine, and came across an article by Jessica Wapner ("The Healthy Type", Scientific American June 2008) about the therapeutic effects of blogging.

Alice Flaherty, a neuroscientist at Harvard University, is quoted explaining that "humans have a range of pain-related behaviors, such as complaining, which act as a 'placebo for getting satisfied.'" The point being that blogging about stressful experiences may work similarly.

In other words, life can suck, or if it doesn't, at least the world we're stuck living in leaves much to be desired. Complaining about this makes you feel a bit better. As the culture of a thin privileged section of the world's population begins to be based more and more on computers, things like blogs begin to play the same role.

According to Wapner's article, blogging can even make you sleep better. Plus, it "might trigger dopamine release, similar to stimulants like music, running and looking at art."

Well there you go.

Blogging: the opiate of the cyber-petit bourgeoisie.

(If i have to have an opiate, i can think of worse.)

Sunday, June 17, 2007



Too many days with too little time to write too many things...

And now another week has come and gone.

While am not sad that i have stuff to do in life - the alternative would be depressing - there is shit i wanted to be able to discuss, and i know at this point it won't all happen.

Occasionally i think of a post just listing all the posts i don't have time to do. Buti don't have time to do it.

So i set the alarm clock on a sunday to blog... let's see if that gets me anywhere...

Monday, June 04, 2007

Not A Spam Blog After All

What a relief!

Late last week blogger's "robots" decided Sketchy Thoughts looked like spam. Consequently, the blog was "locked", meaning i could not publish anything. The blogger site assured me someone would check the blog out, and if it was legit it would be unblocked - but otherwise would eventually be deleted!

Needless to say, i was worried!

Happily, just got news: the blog is unblocked, i can publish again.


Funny thing, having to do with my dysfunctional brain and also with the psychology of work and instant gratification - even though i could have used the weekend to write all kinds of interesting shit, the knowledge that i couldn't just publish it right away was real discouraging. So while i did get some stuff done - look forward to an upcoming review of Amal Saad-Ghorayeb's Hizbu'llah: Politcs & Religion - not nearly as much as could have. So that's a self-criticism of sorts...


So what did i do instead of writing?

Discovered Myspace!

Not sure if it will be of any use, but i've been having fun surfing around adding friends... if i haven't added you, log on and let me know. Kersplebedeb Myspace is at

More later, i promise...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Blogger Beta

It's up, it's working, it has peekaboo expandable posts and soon will get revamped categories...

oh yeah, and it's baby blue.

So far, for what it's worth, this transition from Blogger Classic to Blogger Beta has been anything but seamless. Twenty minutes my ass, there goes half my day. And i had work to get done...

Note to those aiming to try this:

Blogger for Word does not work with Beta. Real fucking drag that is.

The expandable posts hack mentioned on Blogger is crap, as is Blogger's peekaboo... use this one from Hackosphere instead.

i'm hoping the drag and drop template and other nifty features will make it worthwhile - definitely have mixed feelings so far...

Bear with Me

Please bear with me...

In one of those moments of "i have twenty minutes to do stuff, what should i do?" i decides to upgrade to the "New Blogger"...

So far i see my "Read more..." links aren't working properly, and the "Blogger for Word" plug-in is acting up. And now i have to go out on some errands.

Ah joy!