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On Rape
famalaoan / politiku

On Rape

For some odd reason, I find myself today thinking about the way powerful old men tend to respond to claims of rape or sexual harassment. They ask for tangible evidence, laugh at you, tell you they’ve been accused themselves, tell you false accusations ruin men’s lives, threaten you with libel, tell you “that’s just the … Continue reading

Being Anti-Micronesian IS Racist
decolonization / politiku

Being Anti-Micronesian IS Racist

The Guam Daily Post, no less, the same newspaper whose editors so disdained my column yet keep publishing coprolites like Arnold Davis, just released into the world an incoherent and ill-conceived editorial (copied below as well) attacking the FSM government, painting it as “sit[ting] on a pile of cash” while Guam struggles because of COFA migrants. … Continue reading