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For what it's worth... 199 recs : By CaliforniaPeggy

Excellent take on Collins' "speech" 187 recs : By Va Lefty

Statement from Debbie Ramirez 122 recs : By Donkees

Damn Skippy. 112 recs : By MrScorpio

The enemy wants you to feel hopeless 96 recs : By DemocratSinceBirth

The Left Column


Let's Just Purge All Our Kavanaugh/Collins Angst All at Once, and Move the Fuck On

Our Constitution, bless its heart, demands that we live with the consequences of any given national election for two whole years, like rubbing a dog's nose in the mess he made, I guess. We've had the will to take our country back this whole time, all we've lacked is the mechanism. But in just one short month, we get to VOTE again, friends. And then everything changes.


Our fight is larger than beating Trump. Much much larger.

What the past two years have shown us time and time again is that the Republican party has become the party of preserving wealthy, White male privilege and power by any means necessary including, but not limited to, denying hearings on a SCOTUS nominee, colluding with a hostile foreign power, tearing babies away from their mothers at our borders, enabling White supremacists, and now pushing a man accused of attempted rape onto the SCOTUS without examining all of the evidence. They have shown us who they are and what they represent. And no, defeating Trump is not going to change them or their mission. They'll another one. They have a very deep bench to pull from. ...


Joe manchin

Look, I have heard the mantra: we need to keep Manchin in because if we don't, there will be a GOp in, and we will NOT have his vote in the crucial times.

Well, the number of senators that have this vote are in the single digits. This is not some theory, it is a fact. No, I am not happy he voted with the GOP to begin the vote, something that Murkowiski at least did not do. ...

scheming daemons

A yes vote on cloture is NOT a yes vote on nomination, and things just got interesting

Shouldn't have to be said, but many people need a civics lesson.

Yes on cloture simply means that debate is ending and it is time to go to floor vote.

Sen Collins was a YES on cloture for Betsy DeVos, but a NO on her final vote. And many senators in the past have voted YES on clotures but no on final votes.

Conversely, a NO on cloture almost always means a NO on the final vote. That means the GOP has no margin for error now. Joe Manchin will *NOT* put himself in a position to be the 50th vote tomorrow. That means *BOTH* Flake and Collins need to be a YES for Kavanaugh to be confirmed. ...

Tobin S.

The divide is wide.

I'm a trucker and I listen to truckers all the time on the CB radio. I'd say it's a safe bet that a majority of them are pro-Trump. I hear some liberal truckers out there sometimes, and their numbers might be greater than I'm guessing, but I hear from Trumpsters much more on the CB than those of the liberal persuasion.

A couple of drivers were talking on the CB yesterday and they were both pro-Trump. They both thought that the media treated Trump unfairly and that he was actually doing an excellent job. Then one driver said that his 31 year old daughter was mad at him because he voted for Trump. He said that she gets so mad at him sometimes that she won't speak to him for a while. He claimed that he didn't understand it. I could have clued him in as to why so many women were angry about Trump, but that would have been to invite a heaping of vitriol and I'm sure no understanding would have been gained. There would have been a lot of denial and insults. ...


Prediction: Kavanaugh won't be confirmed

1) Trumplicans get more mileage as victims than victors. They will get more energy out of their sheep by screening a la Graham how terrible Democrats are and what an injustice it is than actually winning.

2) Republican leadership has to worry that the Kavanaugh story could continue to drip even or especially if he is confirmed. ...


Kavanaugh wrote that he lashed out in the hearing as a dad and husband

...the Supreme Court nominee didn't apologize for his behavior, he doubled down on it, hiding behind his family for lashing out at his accusers and those who brought their voices into the open to confront him.

I'm picturing Kavanaugh exploding in anger at his wife or daughter after they revealed to him they had been sexually assaulted, calling their claims a 'conspiracy' and a 'lie.'

I'm imagining him telling them he was going to just plow through their accusations because the reputation of their attacker was more important than their trauma they experienced and described. I can see him gathering as many people in the neighborhood together as he could to publicly mock their claims. ...


My wife said something about Kavanaugh that I can't stop thinking about.

My wife said last night: "Not all woman were sexually assaulted but we all know a Brett Kavanaugh." When she said that, I immediately thought of guys in high school and college who were Brett Kavanaughs. I suspect we have all known a Brett Kavanaugh.

It seems to me that a having a Brett Kavanaugh on the Court would be devastating to the judicial system.

Stare Decisis

There Is Something Big In That Report

Flake says he is having issues and wants to talk to Coons. Sasse and now Gardner are on the fence. Prediction: Moderate GOPs work very hard to get Trump to push him out. Theory: already a done deal-they protect Kavanaugh from charges and withdraw him on the condition Barrett's nomination is expedited. Expounding: Hi Chris, it's Jeff, if I vote no, will you back off Amy? Chris: I think something can be worked out if you can get the two ladies onboard the no train. ...


A true bud... The DU Lounge : By MrScorpio

How do you like my painting of a cat? The DU Lounge : By packman

Dazzling... The DU Lounge : By pbmus

A cat's map of the bed: The DU Lounge : By demmiblue

Researchers Studied Cute Pictures of Baby Giraffes to Learn About Their Spots Science : By Judi Lynn

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Senate Confirms Brett Kavanaugh To Supreme Court, Rejects Me Too Movement

1 min ago - Kavanaugh was narrowly confirmed, 50-48. Every Republican but one, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), voted for him. Every Democrat but one, Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), voted against him. The vote would have been 51-49, but Murkowski, whose vote will be re ... (Huffington Post)

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Liberal groups won't support Democrats backing Kavanaugh

19 hrs ago - Democrats have organized to oppose Kavanaugh, with opposition intensifying after Christine Blasey Ford last month accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault when they were teenagers. Bredesen, who polls indicate is locked in a dead heat for the Tennessee s ... (Reuters)

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Yesterday - Washington (CNN)Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska described President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as "not the right man for the court at this time" and strongly signaled she will vote no in Kavanaugh's final ... (CNN)

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BREAKING: GOP Sen. Collins says she'll vote to advance Kavanaugh nomination

Yesterday - BREAKING: GOP Sen. Collins says she'll vote to advance Kavanaugh nomination, will announce confirmation decision Friday afternoon. ... (AP)

