Trump Admin Follows Corporate Media Playbook for War With Iran

4 October 2018 — FAIR

John Bolton (BBC, 9/26/18): “Let my message today be clear: We are watching, and we will come after you.”

Three years ago, as Americans debated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran—popularly known as “the Iran deal”—I highlighted a troubling media trend on (8/20/15): “For nearly all commentators, regardless of their position, war is the only alternative to that position.”

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Black Agenda Report October 4, 2018: Amazon Concession to $15 per Hour Not Bernie’s Doing; Democratic Fascism vs the Trump Kind; Kavanaugh Farce

4 October 2018 — Black Agenda Report

Democratic Corporate Fascism vs the Trump Kind 

– Glen Ford , BAR executive editor
Modern American corporate fascism is rooted in multinational corporate structures and wedded to a concept of racial and cultural “diversity” that (they hope) is compatible with corporate dictatorship.

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Trump Regime Refuses World Court Rulings on Palestine and Iran, US Withdrawal from the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations By Stephen Lendman

4 October 2018 — Global Research

Is Trump being held captive by political operatives within his Cabinet – notably Pompeo, Bolton and Haley on geopolitical issues?  They’re  hostile to world peace,  democratic values, and respect for international law. 

On Wednesday, John Bolton announced the Trump regime’s withdrawal from the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCDR) optional protocol.

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On Capitalism and Eternal War. NATO as a “World Government”? By Christopher Black

4 October 2018 — NEO

On September 14, in an address to the far right American organisation called The Heritage Foundation,  the NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, described NATO in effect to be a world government prepared for eternal war. He declared NATO to be the “guarantor of peace and stability in Europe since 1949,” when in fact it has only succeeded in bringing war and catastrophe, for the only real guarantor of peace and stability in Europe until 1991 was the Red Army, the withdrawal of which allowed the NATO war machine to move right up to Russia’s borders.

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US Openly Threatens Russia with War: Goodbye Diplomacy, Hello Stone Age By Peter KORZUN

4 October 2018 — Strategic Culture Foundation

US Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison is a highly placed diplomat. Her words, whatever they may be, are official, which includes the ultimatums and threats that have become the language increasingly used by US diplomats to implement the policy of forceful persuasion or coercive diplomacy. Bellicose declarations are being used this way as a tool.

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Imran Khan: “American drone strikes in Pakistan must stop. It’s butchery, and the true horror of it is hidden from the West”

4 October 2018 — Drone Warfare

Since 2004, the US government has attacked thousands of targets in tribal areas along the Afghan border in Northwest Pakistan. It used unmanned aerial vehicles operated by the US Air Force under the operational control of the CIA’s Special Activities Division. Attacks increased substantially under Bush’s successor, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack Obama.

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US Responsible for Cyberspace Becoming a War Domain Instead of an Area of Cooperation By Alex Gorka

3 October 2018 — Strategic Culture Foundation

Much has been said about the potential dangers of a cyber war. This type of attack could be formidably destructive and is extremely difficult to track to its source. Superiority in this domain offers a great advantage, making it possible to knock out the enemy’s critical infrastructure sites and inflicting damage comparable to a massive nuclear attack. Just imagine the electricity grids, one of the softer targets, out of commission and all the lights out and the computers dead! In 2016 the North Atlantic Alliance officially declared cyberspace the fourth domain of war.

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Book Review: Death Machines: The Ethics of Violent Technologies by Elke Schwarz By Joanna Frew

3 October 2018 — Drone Wars

The ethical concerns raised by Elke Schwarz in her new book, Death Machines: The Ethics of Violent Technologies, help situate the use of armed drones in a deeper discussion of our modern political landscape and point to the issues that must be addressed through substantial ethical reasoning. For those not familiar with political theory and ethics, this book is at times quite dense. Nonetheless, it is essential reading for those working with or on the issue of drones, autonomy and AI to engage with the ever-increasing use of violent technologies, regarding both the physical death they inflict and the ethical death in the wake of their use.

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