Showing posts with label Campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Campaign. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2012

Update and Petition on Ron Smith Getting Death Penalty

Once again I am stunned by the penchant of the political right for cruelty and a total lack of empathy.  I simply cannot understand how being a human being oneself, it can be so impossible to feel empathy for another human being, even one who has made the enormous mistakes Ron has.  Ronald has admitted to killing 2 men 30+ years ago.  And if true, it is the most serious of damage one person can do to another and to their respective families.  I'm not sure what the answer is when these circumstances occur, what is an appropriate manner for those responsible to accept responsibility and to make whatever amends possible.  But I feel quite certain about this, 30 years in the hole and then being put to death by the state which writes laws against killing - is wrong.  It just is.  

Sign the Petition to support Ronald and stop his execution.

Are there any people in Canada working on this issue from a community level?  Please leave a comment or send me an email -

Baird slammed for 'cynical' clemency plea

Double-murderer Ronald Smith asks to be spared death penalty

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Lead Now Campaign

Lead Now has demonstrated to those within the Canadian state just how to do a mainstream, national advocacy project while also including voices with more radical ideas.  And the project seems to be having some success at the government level.

Some Updates;

Senator Percy Downe posted this to his twitter account during the Lead Now senator letter campaign.

 Lead Now goes on to restate what the media have already informed us, that Senate voting on Bill C10 will not take place before February.   A move away from "the first 100 days" initially promised by conservatives.

Then as almost an after thought, Lead Now informs us that they contacted criminologists from around Canada and asked them to sign on to the open letter addressed to Senators.  Here is the list, but I see at least one name missing who should have been invited - perhaps you notice others....  Though I applaud Lead Now in all of their initiatives, a small suggestion might have been to ask members to contribute suggestions around who to contact.  I would have suggested Eugene Oscapella.

"PS - We asked some of the country's leading criminologists to add their names to our open letter asking the Senate to provide the sober second thought we need on the Crime Bill. The response was amazing. Here's the initial list of signatories:"

  • Anthony Doob, Professor of Criminology, Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies, University of Toronto
  • Frank Cormier, Criminology/Sociology Coordinator, Department of Sociology, University of Manitoba
  • Gordon Darroch, Professor of Sociology, Emeritus, Senior Scholar, York University
  • Lorna Stefanick, Associate Professor, Governance Law and Management Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Athabasca University
  • Penni Stewart, Associate Professor, Sociology, York University
  • Deborah Brock, Department of Sociology, Sociolegal Studies, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University
  • John Edward Deukmedjian, Ayssociate Professor, Criminology, Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Criminology, University of Windsor
  • Margaret E. Beare, Professor, Law and Sociology, York University
  • Marc Nesca, Forensic Psychologist, Associate Professor, Criminal Justice Program, Athabasca University
  • Frederick Desroches, Professor, Sociology, Criminology, and Legal Studies, St. Jerome's University, University of Waterloo
  • Michael Weinrath, Professor & Chair, Department of Criminal Justice, University of Winnipeg
  • Joanna Pozzulo, Director, Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Carleton University
  • Russell C. Smandych, Professor of Sociology and Criminology, Department of Sociology, University of Manitoba