The International Buyer Program

Bringing International Buyers to U.S. Trade Shows

The IBP is a joint government-industry effort that brings thousands of international buyers to the United States for business-to-business matchmaking with U.S. firms exhibiting at major industry trade shows. Every year, the IBP results in approximately a billion dollars in new business for U.S. companies, and increased international attendance for participating U.S. trade show organizers.

Whether you are a show organizer, U.S. exhibitor, or international buyer, we can help you grow your business.

Quarters 2 and 3 (April 1-September 30) CY2019 International Buyer Program & International Buyer Program SELECT Application Periods Now Open!

The International Trade Administration is now accepting applications for the International Buyer Program (IBP) and IBP SELECT service for trade events taking place between April 1, 2019 and September 30, 2019. Details regarding the application, eligibility, participation requirements, and selection process are provided in the Federal Register Notices below. The deadline for applying to the IBP and IBP SELECT service for CY 2019 Q2 and Q3 events is Friday, October 5, 2018. Since we are running the application periods concurrently for both Q2 and Q3 CY2019 programs, an application must be submitted for both IBP AND IBP SELECT should an applicant wish to be considered for both. Please click here to learn more about the IBP SELECT service.
To be considered for the 2019 IBP, applicants need to submit a completed application form via courier service (i.e. FedEx, UPS) to the Trade Promotion Programs office at the following address:

Vidya Desai, Senior Advisor for Trade Events
Trade Promotion Programs
1401 Constitution Ave, NW
Mailstop 52024
Washington, DC 20230

Email applications to are strongly encouraged and will be accepted as interim applications, and must be followed by signed original applications that are to be received no later than 5 business days after the application deadline. There is no fee to apply. However, a participation fee will be required if accepted into the program.

Should the applicant be accepted into the program, a signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) along with applicable program fee will be required within 30 days of the written notification of acceptance into the Q2 or Q3 2019 IBP or IBP SELECT. Sample MOAs are provided through the links below for reference purposes only. The MOAs outline the terms of participation that accepted applicants must commit to if accepted into the program. The Federal Register Notices set forth objectives, procedures and application review criteria associated with support for domestic trade shows by the IBP.

The IBP expects to issue the results of this process for both IBP and IBP SELECT in October 2018.

International Buyer Program

2019 Q2 & Q3 IBP Federal Register Notice

2019 IBP Sample Memorandum of Agreement

2019 IBP Application

International Buyer Program SELECT

2019 Q2 &Q3 IBP SELECT Federal Register Notice

2019 IBP SELECT Sample Memorandum of Agreement

2019 IBP SELECT Application

For more information, please contact Vidya Desai at


Upcoming International Buyer Program Shows

(Click here for 2018 International Buyer Program SELECT Shows)

70th AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo
July 29–August 2 • Chicago, IL
Project Officer: Anne Novak (

International Woodworking Fair
August 22–25 • Atlanta, GA
Project Officer: Allison Moore (

ASIS 2018
September 23–27 • Las Vegas, NV
Project Officer: Joe Holecko (

Solar Power International
September 24–27 • Anaheim, CA
Project Officer: Mark Wells (

Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference
WEFTEC® 2018

September 29–October 3 • New Orleans, LA
Project Officer: Pamela Kirkland (

The Greater New York Dental Meeting
November 23–28 • New York, NY
Project Officer: Anne Novak (

POWER-GEN® International
December 4–6 • Orlando, FL
Project Officer: Mark Wells (

CES 2019
January 8-11 • Las Vegas, NV
Project Officer: Allison Moore (

World of Concrete 2019
January 22-25 • Las Vegas, NV
Project Officer: Jeffrey Odom (

Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show
January 23-26 • Las Vegas, NV
Project Officer: Melissa Blackledge (Melissa

International Production and Processing Expo
February 12-14 • Atlanta, GA
Project Officer: Mark Wells (

Natural Products Expo West
March 6-9 • Anaheim, CA
Project Officer: Renee Diggs (


Useful Links

Exporting Information:
Basic Guide to Exporting

Export Webinars

Free Trade Agreements

Industry Specific Information:
Industry Sector Pages

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