Apply For Your European Health Insurance Card Here


Main Applicant Details

Spouse / Partner Details

Yes No

Dependent Child Details

Yes No

Child no.: #{{$index+1}}




I acknowledge that I will lose the right to cancel the order within the statutory period of 14 working days as we will commence the delivery of an order immediately and before this statutory period ends. Therefore the services will have deemed to have been provided and you will lose the right to cancel your order. I acknowledge that I have British, EU, EEA or Swiss nationality and that all persons to be specified in this application are UK residents. I understand that should any person on this application decide to remain abroad to live or work, then the relevant authorities must be informed and the EHIC returned. The information that I give on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and I have read and accept the terms of the privacy policy.

Main Applicant Details

Title: {{formData.ma_title}}
Forename(s): {{formData.ma_forename}}
Date of Birth: {{formData.ma_dob}}
NHS or NI No.: {{formData.ma_nhs_or_ni_no}}
EHIC PIN Number: {{formData.ma_ehic_pin_number}}

Spouse / Partner Details

Title: {{formData.pa_title}}
Forename(s): {{formData.pa_forename}}
Date of Birth: {{formData.pa_dob}}
NHS or NI No.: {{formData.pa_nhs_or_ni_no}}
EHIC PIN Number: {{formData.pa_ehic_pin_number}}

Dependent Child Details

Number of Children: {{formData.ca_number}}

Children No.#: {{$index+1}}

Title: {{formData.ca_title[$index+1]}}
Forename(s): {{formData.ca_forename[$index+1]}}
Date of Birth: {{formData.ca_dob_d[$index+1]}}-{{formData.ca_dob_m[$index+1]}}-{{formData.ca_dob_y[$index+1]}}
NHS or NI No.: {{formData.ca_nhs_or_ni_no[$index+1]}}
EHIC PIN Number: {{formData.ca_ehic_pin_number[$index+1]}}

Contact information

Address Line 1: {{formData.addressline1}}
Address Line 2: {{formData.addressline2}}
Town or City: {{}}
County: {{formData.county}}
Country: {{}}
UK Postcode: {{formData.postcode}}
Phone Number: {{}}
Email: {{}}
Registration fee: £35.00

Thank you for your order. We are now processing your order.
Please check your email for your confirmation.

First Time Application

First Time Application

Renewal of Existing EHIC

Renewal of Existing EHIC

Lost / Stolen Cards

Lost / Stolen Cards


EHIC Renewal Card Application Process

What is an EHIC Renewal? It’s an acronym for “European Health Insurance Card renewal”. The EHIC Card Renewal, while not a replacement for health insurance, was introduced to give UK citizens the right to access state provided healthcare when you make a short visit to another European country. Without it, you could be returning to the UK with a very large bill for your care.

As you’ll see from the information below, it’s crucial that all the information you submit for your european health insurance card application is entirely correct, which is why EHIC renewal by EHIC Applications UK’s helpful staff will not only submit your application, but check and verify it before submission to the NHS on your behalf. If we spot any errors with your application, we’ll contact you straight away to let you know, so that we can remedy the EHIC renewal immediately and get your application processed by the NHS as quickly as possible. It’s a premium service, and you’ll be impressed by the simplicity of ordering your EHIC Card Renewal.

Where your EHIC Card is valid:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Netherlands (Holland)
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Switzerland

What is the European Health Insurance Card scheme for?

When the reciprocal agreement for health care across Europe was first introduced in 2006, you had to fill in an EHIC form to receive your European health card, meaning you had a large sheet of paper to carry with you when you left Great Britain for a holiday. Thankfully, times have changed, and the best way to apply for an EHIC or EHIC renewal is online. No more paper forms to carry about – just a small plastic card to take with you when you travel outside of Great Britain. Just show your European Health Insurance card renewal whenever you need health care abroad. It’s quick and easy to apply with our help, and you’ll usually have your card within a fortnight – often it’s a lot sooner than that.

Do I still need travel insurance as well as an EHIC Card?

An EU health card is not the same as travel insurance. If you require airlifting back to the UK, cover for stolen or lost possessions, or a service such as mountain rescue, the EHIC will not pay for these. It’s still very important for you to purchase travel insurance as well as organising an EHIC Renewal. You may even find that your travel insurance provider demands that you have a European health insurance card before providing you with cover, making it even more important that your application is submitted quickly and accurately through a company who understands the application process, just like EHIC Applications UK.

Who can we help gain a European Health Card?

Anyone who’s resident in Great Britain can apply for a european health insurance card through EHIC Applications UK. The NHS will check eligibility based on the information you provide, so it’s important to give as much information as you can. An NHS number (Called a CHI number in Scotland, or Health & Care Number in Northern Ireland) and National Insurance card are the two main forms of identification which will be requested. If you’re worried you might not have some of these documents, get in touch with us, and we’ll be happy to advise on the alternatives. We understand how the application system works, and our specialist knowledge and experience is a great reason to submit your application through us today.

If you’re not a British citizen, don’t worry. Other forms of evidence will be accepted as proof that you’re currently resident in the UK. You’ll commonly be asked for a visa, a letter from the Home Office, an A1/E101 or S1 document, or even just a letter from your employer.

Everyone who’s traveling, even children, requires their own european health card. If the applicant is under 16 years of age, a parent or guardian will need to apply on their behalf.

How long is my EHIC Renewal valid for?

Each card is valid for five years. You can start the renewal process six months before your old European health insurance card renewal is due to expire, and EHIC Renewal Applications UK will be able to help you with that.

Don’t gamble with your health care choices when abroad – trust EHIC Applications UK’s team to check and place your application for an EHIC card renewal today. We’re here for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, ready to help you and answer any questions you may have. Either contact us via the contact form on our website or the post, or email us for a fast response.

EHIC Application UK’s experienced UK based staff understand how important it is to have the peace of mind that an european health insurance card renewal can bring when you leave Great Britain for your trip abroad. Our comprehensive service will provide that reassurance for you.
