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Government surveillance disproportionately affects vulnerable populations.
Help EFF challenge these practices.
Help EFF challenge these practices.
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Music fans, non-commercial users, and the broader public have a voice—a voice that was heard in the writing and passage of the latest version of the Music Modernization Act
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The spectre of bad Internet laws in Europe should be a warning shot for Canadians
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The Senate has passed a compromise of the Music Modernization act that could preserve early sound recordings and increase public access to them—giving us hope that public and orphan recordings will be heard again
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When government agencies hide their activities from the public, private drones can be a crucial tool for transparency and journalism.
Let’s tell the House of Representatives Transportation Committee that the FAA reauthorization bill should not include any language expanding the government’s power to track, control, or destroy privately-owned drones.
Let’s tell the House of Representatives Transportation Committee that the FAA reauthorization bill should not include any language expanding the government’s power to track, control, or destroy privately-owned drones.
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Critics of patent owners may use the “imaginative expression” and “rhetorical hyperbole” which “has traditionally added much to the discourse of our Nation.”
ie, you are allowed to say "patent troll."
ie, you are allowed to say "patent troll."
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218 members of the House of Representatives are the last, best chance for a 2018 end to the FCC’s misguided journey into abandoning #NetNeutrality and consumer protection authority over ISPs such as Comcast and AT&T.
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Congress is about to give DOJ and DHS the right to destroy private drones. And it's going to happen in a routine FAA bill, with no chance for a serious debate. We can stop it.
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Since we can’t be there to say this ourselves, we’ll say it here: EFF will oppose any federal legislation that weakens today’s hard-fought privacy protections or destroys the states’ ability to protect their citizens’ personal information.
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We’re hiring a Help Desk Technician and Client Platform Engineer:
We’re hiring a Help Desk Technician and Client Platform Engineer:
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