◆List honors sites from war against Japan's aggression
◆南京大学拉贝纪念馆应邀参加国际学术研讨会 Nanjing University John Rabe Memorial was invited to attend the International Symposium
◆我校拉贝纪念馆在中德交流中发挥作用 Rabe Memorial Hall plays a role in the Sino-German communication
◆ 中国外交部谴责日本名古屋市长否认南京大屠杀 FM slams denial of Nanjing Massacre
◆2011年4月29日,德国波恩亥姆霍兹高中的师生参观拉贝纪念馆 April 29,2011,teachers and students of Helmholtz Gymnasium, Bonn visited John Rabe Memorial Hall.
◆2011年4月2日,湖南路街道在拉贝纪念馆组织清明公祭活动 Hu Nan Street sub-district held a public memorial ceremony for Qingming Festival in John Rabe Memorial Hall, April 2,2011.
◆2011年2月25日,来自德国应用科学国际学院的Elisbeth Bach博士一行来拉贝纪念馆参观,她曾在拉贝日记电影中扮演了角色 Dr. Elisabeth Bach from Germany Applied Sciences International College visited on Feb. 25, 2011 the John Rabe Memorial Hall. She played a small role in the movie “John Rabe”
◆2010年10月14日,澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学学生参观拉贝故居 Oct.14,2010, students of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University visited John Rabe’s former residence
◆2010年10月16日,中国药科大学志愿者在拉贝纪念馆做活动 Oct.16,2010, volunteers of China Pharmaceutical University had activities in John Rabe and International Safety Zone Memorial Hall
◆2010年10月13日,韩湘琳(拉贝先生的秘书)女儿参观拉贝纪念馆 Oct.13,2010, the daughter of Han Xianglin(secretary of John Rabe)visitied John Rabe’s former residence
◆南京大学拉贝纪念馆入选国际和平博物馆名单 Nanjing University John Rabe and International Safety Zone Memorial Hall was selected in the International Network of Museums for Peace
◆2010年9月18日,德国Vechta 大学师生在拉贝与国际安全区纪念馆做活动 Sep.18,2010, teachers and students of University of Vechta had activities in John Rabe and International Safety Zone Memorial Hall
◆2010年7月5日,德国下萨克森州副州长约克-博德一行参观拉贝故居 July 5,2010, vice governor of Lower Saxony J?rg Bode and his party visited John Rabe’s former residence
◆2010年6月13日,陕西高校档案馆一行10人参观拉贝故居 June 13, 2010, ten people of ShanXi universities achives visited John Rabe’s former residence
◆2010年4月27日,伊犁师范学院干部一行25人参观拉贝故居 April 27,2010,twenty-five cadres of Yi Li Normal University visited John Rabe’s former residence
◆2009年9月8日,美国密歇根大学图书馆及耶鲁大学图书馆档案工作者参观拉贝纪念馆,并与工作人员合影 Sep.8,2009,the delegate from Michigan University library and profile department of Yale University visited John Rabe's former residence,and took photographes with the staffs
◆2009年7月8日,加拿大史实维护会成员一行36人参观拉贝馆 July 8,2009,thirty-six members of Canada Association for Learning and Preserving visited John Rabe's former residence
◆2009年7月6日,贝塔斯曼集团首席财务官Tohmas Rabe(右)参观拉贝故居 July 6,2009 Bertelsmann Chief Financial Officer Tohmas Rabe (R) visited John Rabe's former residence




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