Citizens Electoral Council of Australia

A federally-registered independent political party

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Click here to find out moreOrder new CEC pamphlet:
"Time for Glass-Steagall Banking Separation and a National Bank"

A handbook on Glass-Steagall banking separation, national banking, the crimes of the banks and 'bail-in'. This 100 page document provides the urgently required solutions to rebuild the national economy right as a new financial crisis is unfolding.

Click here to find out more On 14 February 2018 the Federal Parliament passed legislation which gives the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) extraordinary powers during a financial crisis, including the possibility to confiscate deposits in order to rescue collapsing banks ("bail-in").
Find out more and read about the CEC's campaign to stop it.

  • Australia must join with China's One Belt, One Road project! Find out more here.

  • LaRouche PAC Webcasts

  • Schiller Institute Webcasts

  • New Features

    We, the undersigned, appeal to President Trump, President Putin, President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Modi, to convoke an emergency summit in order to create a New Bretton Woods global monetary system.

    Click here to download the PDF

    Click here to download the latest New Citizen, Vol.8 No.5

    Australia needs Glass-Steagall Now! Click here to find out more Click here to read about why Australia must align with the BRICS 2015 conference: The World Land Bridge Peace on Earth, Good Will towards All Men

    Australian Alert Service

    26th September, 2018

    Don't wait for the crash—Glass-Steagall now

    Hysterical denial has broken out all over Australia in response to the 16 September episode of Channel 9's 60 Minutes called "Bricks and Slaughter". 60 Minutes based its program around an interview with Martin North of Digital Finance Analytics, who warned of the possibility of a 45 per cent fall in house prices in the next 12 months.

    Keep reading...

    Articles include the following:

    • Mortgage fraud is a time bomb under housing bubble
    • Will one phone call crash house prices by 80 per cent?
    • Royal commission takes a step closer to bank separation
    • Boot 'shonks and profiteers' out of super!
    • Bank victim horror stories
    • Only Glass-Steagall can dislodge criminal financial aristocracy
    • As financial turmoil looms, FDR-era solutions take root
    • Australian role in Trumpgate resurfaces
    • Russia slams Israeli treachery, sends air defences to Syria
    • Richard Black: Reconciliation and rebuilding in Syria
    • Uighur 'mass detention' reports fabricated
    • What a week of action!
    • Lessons for a recovery

    Click here for more...

    Media Releases

    18th September, 2018

    Mortgage fraud is a time bomb under Australia’s housing bubble

    Don’t take out a home loan until you’ve watched ‘Mortgage Fraud Explained’!

    The bank apologists at the Australian Financial Review went down the rabbit hole on 21 September with Christopher Joye’s claim that “droves of Aussies are indeed defrauding banks by lying on their home loan applications”.

    The complete opposite is true. Denise Brailey of the Banking and Finance Consumers Support Association (BFCSA) and others have exposed that the banks committed the fraud, not the borrowers.

    For the truth on mortgage fraud, watch Denise Brailey’s explosive presentation “Mortgage Fraud Explained”, delivered to a 30 June 2018 Citizens Electoral Council seminar in Perth. No borrower should take on a mortgage without seeing this presentation!

    This is the most urgent issue in the Australian banking system today, with the most far-reaching implications. Mortgage fraud is a ticking time bomb under the housing bubble, set to detonate as borrowers default on loans they could never afford, and implode house prices that were never real, but were inflated by “demand” faked by the banks through mortgage fraud.

    In September 2017 banking analysts at UBS estimated that $500 billion of the $1.7 trillion in Australian mortgage debt is from so-called “liar loans”, which were based on false estimates of the borrowers’ living expenses. As Denise Brailey has exposed, however, the liars were the banks, not the borrowers.

    Read more...

    Print latest media releases as flyers (A4 PDF)

    Radio interviews with CEC Leaders

    Election 2016: CEC policies and candidates

    The evidence of bail-in coming to Australia Click here to read the CEC's submission to the FSI

    Click here to download a free copy of the Australian Alert Service, the CEC's weekly publication

    Click here to find out more about the bankruptcy of Australia's Big Four


    Video features

    Click here for the CEC Report archive and downloads

    Click here to view the latest LPAC New Paradigm Weekly Report

    Click here to view the CEC's May 2013 National Conference proceedings

    Feature pages

    Feature pages

     On the 200th anniversary of his birth, learn about our nation's greatest poet, Charles Harpur

    Visit the new international Schiller Institute website: A new paradigm for the survival of civilisation

    Click here to download Oct/Nov/Dec 2012 New Citizen in Chinese

    Watch the video: Ecosystems, A Genocidal Fraud

    Find out more about Glass-Steagall

    Read the NAWAPA XXI Report here

    Read the LPAC Basement team special report

    Watch the video: 9-11. Ten Years Later

    Stop the genocidal shutdown of the Murray-Darling Basin



    Archive of LaRouche's majors writings and statements

    Archive of breaking news reports

    Archive of video reports and features


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    All electoral content is authorised by National Secretary, Craig Isherwood, 595 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058.