The Mature Aussie Party (originally named The Mature AGE Party) entered the political scene in September 2014 on Queensland’s Gold Coast, prompted by concerns over home-owner conditions in private residential parks and over 50s villages, State-wide.

Its “birth” was sponsored by an allied body, Associated Residential Parks Queensland (ARPQ) who funded MAP’s launch and its early functions, aimed at giving a voice to the ‘over 50s’ in future State elections.

National media coverage attracted membership interest throughout Australia and changed that emphasis, quickly.

MAP evolved into the Mature Aussie Party as it is today, with members in all States and Territories and candidates (in all States) poised to make their mark in future national elections, guided by a national executive with a combined 200 years’ experience in business and politics.

Based on very strong feedback from its members and supporters nationally, MAP wants to be a catalyst and a spearhead for major changes to the political culture in Australia.

Specifically, the core principles of the Mature Aussie Party are equity before the law (one law for all.), no discrimination for or against anyone (on wide-ranging grounds), more open and public accountability by government to the people, and more direct say for the people at all levels of government.

The party’s loyal following today includes members aged from 18 to 80, who come from many different backgrounds, and its policies cover all of these demographics.

However, the Party does not shirk its very special and specific commitment to the interests of the “over 50s” on whose shoulders, contributions, and efforts the party was launched and has grown. The Mature Aussie Party does not owe any allegiance to any organisation or corporate body – only its members, and the 18 to 80+ electors and other Australians it seeks to represent.

It is therefore free to follow its own path without being beholden to anyone else ….. thereby representing the vast majority of Australians who believe they have been without an effective political “voice”up to now.


The party’s guiding principles in deciding policy are:

  1. Is the policy equitable, non-discriminatory, and fair to all concerned?
  2. Is the policy sustainable in the long-term, functionally, economically and environmentally?
  3. Does the policy meet the ‘one law for all’ criteria?


Party policies are thus committed to:

  1. Greater statutory accountability to ‘the people’ by elected and appointed public officers, at all levels of government.
  2. Giving electors a more direct voice, and say, in all decisions of government ( at all levels), including public referendums to direct government actions on major issues and policies.
  3. Creating a sustainable growth and development economy based on increasing productivity, employment and national revenue.
  4. Eliminating taxation inequities by widening the tax pool, reducing (or eliminating) individual and business taxes, and stopping tax avoidance.
  5. Slashing wasteful, extravagant and excessive spending by governments, including eliminating the duplication of services between all levels of government.
  6. Maintaining high-level and equitable support for our children and young people, the elderly, the unemployed, the disabled and disadvantaged, and others in need (including pensioners and self-funded retirees).


Australia is a wealthy first world sovereign nation. Many (if not most) Australians enjoy an envied lifestyle which was built on multi-culturalism, hard yakka, supreme tolerance, and compassion for those in need.

The Mature Australia Party’s over-riding aim is to make a positive, long-term contribution to ensuring that these qualities remain part of Australia’s DNA and our reputation as a nation – and that a better life (and lifestyle) be achieved and maintained for all Australians.

It’s on that basis that it will be presenting candidates for election at future National and State elections.