Tuesday, November 29

Zeus - 'Busting Visions' Live (sbd) + More

'Busting Visions' Live
Ill Eagle recording studio 
Toronto, CN
March 2012

soundboard recording (quality VG++; would have rated this one Ex- except for a slight hiss you can hear occasionally between songs...)

SAMPLE: "Bright Brown Opus" (live 2012)

01 Are You Gonna Waste My Time?
custom artwork, included in DL
02 Love / Pain
03 Anything You Want Dear
04 Let It Go, Don't Let It Go
05 Strong Mind
06 Bright Brown Opus / Love In a Game 
07 With Eyes Closed
08 Hello, Tender Love
09 Messenger's Way
10 Proud and Beautiful
11 Stop the Train
12 Cool Blue (and the things you do)
13 Now That I've Got You

MEGA THANKS to the band for recording and sharing this live version of the album Busting Visions (which I recommend checking out if you haven't already).


ROB SEZ: Although the above is not from the ASH guys, I'm still posting it under the ASH Tuesday banner. I would never have heard of this Canadian band without Don and Mick, who originally collected and shared the live sessions that appear below. All thanks to them.

Zeus - Live Sessions (2010-2014)

DON SEZ: Mick's collated a two-disc set of live sessions

01 A Strong Mind - CBC
02 Anything You Want Dear - CBC
03 Are You Gonna Waste My Time? - CBC
04 Love In a Game - CBC
05 Fever of the Time - CBC
06 The Sound of You - CBC
07 Airplane - Virgin Red Room
08 Now That I've Got You - Virgin Red Room
09 Are You Gonna Waste My Time? - Virgin 

      Red Room 
10 Love / Pain - The Verge
11 Are You Gonna Waste My Time? - The Verge
12 The Darkness - The Verge
13 Strong Mind - The Verge
14 Are You Gonna Waste My Time? - SXSW Austin, 
      March 14, 2012 
15 The River By the Garden - SXSW Austin, 

      March 14, 2012
16 Love / Pain - SXSW Austin, March 14, 2012
17 The Renegade - SXSW Austin, March 14, 2012

18 Heavy On Me - Soundscape
19 How Does It Feel? - Soundscape
20 I Know - Soundscape
21 Kindergarten - Soundscape
22 Marching Through Your Head - Soundscape 
23 The Renegade - Soundscape
24 Airplane - Exploremusic
25 Strong Mind - Exploremusic
26 How Does It Feel? - Q TV
27 Marching Through Your Head - Q TV
28 Anything You Want Dear - WFUV Studio A 

      in New York
29 Are You Gonna Waste My Time? - WFUV Studio 

      A in New York 
30 How Does It Feel? - Hillside Festival 2010
32 Strong Mind - Hillside Festival 2010

33 Fever of the Time - Acoustic on Backstage Pass

ASH Tuesday post #53

Learn more about the music of Zeus at the band's official site, Wikipedia and FB 

Friday, November 25

Midnight Oil - Acoustically Live 1993

Beach Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Aug. 10, 1993

FM recording (sound quality: Ex-; quite nearly perfect sound)

SAMPLE: "Sell My Soul" (live in Calgary '93)

TT: 52 mins.

Ronnie Scott's
London, UK
June 23, 1993

FM capture (sound quality: VG++)

TT: 52 mins.

ROB SEZ: OK, this is not particularly rare stuff. But I just HAD to post a musical response to the God-awful news that a con artist apparently will occupy the highest elected office in America starting soon — even though he lost the popular vote by 2+ million. (I hate just putting it in writing...) As for Midnight Oil, I always felt Peter Garrett & Co. had the goods in terms of musical chops, songwriting, and right-on political commentary. But when you added intense, amped-up rock music, it was all just a bit too much for me. So I stopped listening some time in the 1990s. Keep the great songs & performance but take away some of the wattage, and the result is a perfect soundtrack for the times. Here's a little post-election sing along: "America's great / If you don't talk back / I don't want to sell my soul to HIM." (News flash: Midnight Oil is re-forming, at least for live shows starting in early 2017. More HERE.) Many thanks to the Soundaboard blog for the Calgary set & whomever shared the London set.

Wanna hear more Midnight Oil unplugged?
Try this 2000 release with mostly acoustic performances from 1993-'94
(not to mention the bonus set I've hidden in plain sight)

Learn more about Midnight Oil's music at the band's own site, Wikipedia & this fan site

Friday, November 18

Sneakers + Little Diesel - Reunion shows Sept. & Oct. 2016

Durham, N.C.
Oct. 20, 2016

audience recording (quality VG; audio ripped from video; some phase shifting can be heard from time to time; recordings from Hopscotch Fest = VG- quality
Little Diesel, again: Will Rigby in the back & Bob Northcott way out front
SAMPLE: "Heart Full of Soul" (Sneakers cover The Yardbirds - live 2016)

thanks to Laura & Jefferson Hart for the photos
01 Some Kind of Fool
02 Ruby
03 Nonsequitur of Silence
04 Decline and Fall
05 S'il Vous Plaît
06 Let's Live for Today
07 Condition Red
08 Heart Full of Soul
09 Flamingo
10 Ramblin' Gamblin' Man
11 Hollywood Swinging (etc.) 

12 S’il Vous Plaît*
13 Let’s Live for Today*

01-08 & 12-13 = Sneakers
09 & 10 = Little Diesel
11 = Little Diesel + members of Sneakers
* Last two tracks are from Sneakers' set (opening for Television) at Hopscotch Music Fest, Memorial Auditorium, Raleigh, N.C. on Sept. 8, 2016

ROB SEZ: Yup, it's happened again: the old North Carolina music mafia has gone and done its nostalgia-indulging thing, and here's an audio souvenir from the proceedings. In recent months, there were more reunion shows by the 1970's-era Chapel Hill band Sneakers and the even older (!) Winston-Salem garage/bedroom combo Little Diesel. Chris Stamey & Mitch Easter were the ringleaders of Sneakers, while Bob Northcott fronted Little Diesel (with Peter Holsapple and Will Rigby in the band). Muchas gracias to Larry T. for the Motorco videos, from which I ripped the audio, and Daniel J. for the two tracks from this year's Hopscotch Fest (photo below).


Tuesday, November 8

Minus 5 - Three Days In Spain 2005 (sbd)

La Paloma
Barcelona, Spain
Nov. 17, 2005

soundboard recording (quality Ex-)

ALL THANKS & PRAISE to Mick for compiling this set & creating the artwork, and to Don for sharing. This is the full show from Nov. 17, with the variants from the next two nights in Spain: Durango, Nov. 18 and Gijon, Nov. 19. Great performances with great sound. What's not to like??

ASH Tuesday post #52


Friday, November 4

Soft Boys - London, UK 1994 (sbd)

The Astoria
London, UK
January 13, 1994

soundboard recording (quality Ex-; transfer from 'Where Are the Prawns?', fanclub-issued chrome tape)

SAMPLE: "Kingdom of Love" (live in London 1994)

01 Wey Wey Hep Uh Hole
02 The Face of Death
03 The Queen of Eyes
04 The Pigworker
05 Underwater Moonlight
06 Old Pervert
07 Hear My Brane
08 Where Are the Prawns?
09 Insanely Jealous
10 Kingdom of Love
11 band intros
12 Give It to the Soft Boys
Robyn H. & Kimberley R. of the Soft Boys
cool photos by Chris Boland from a 2006 live show
more at www.distantcloud.co.uk
13 Only the Stones Remain
14 Zipper In My Spine
15 I Wanna Destroy You

ROB SEZ: I invested heart & soul in my first Soft Boys post — even tucking away a hidden bonus set. Response? Zip, zilch, nada. What's a blogger to do?  Re-double his efforts, naturallySOFT BOYS POSTS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE (and blog reader participation) IMPROVES AROUND HERE!! 
My best guess: this amazing set comes from the mysterious & very generous Dr. Forrester, who has shared a heap o’ Soft Boys & Robyn Hitchcock goodies through the years at his excellent Just Add Cones blog

Tape insert for this fanclub-only release

The Soft Boys:
Robyn Hitchcock - vocal, guitar
Andy Metcalfe - bass, vocals
Matthew Seligman - bass
Morris Windsor - drums, backing vocal
Sean Lyons - guitar, vocals
Jim Melton - percussion, harmonica, vocals

Learn more about the Soft Boys' music at 
Trouser Press and AllMusic