22 September 2018

In Florence’s Floodwater: Sewage, Coal Ash and Hog Waste Lagoon Spills

HF Lee coal ash breach

[Photo: HF Lee coal ash breach from Hurricane Florence (Waterkeeper Alliance)]

By James Brugger
Source:  Inside Climate News

Editor's Note
The Carolinas are facing a monumental environmental catastrophe – again. The two major sources are flooding of massive agricultural sewage ponds (pigs and poultry), and coal ash holding pits. North Carolina has 9 million swine on 2300 farm operations, but poultry is king making up 40% of farm income on over 5700 farms. According to NC Pork Advisory 8, there is significant damage to at least 3 “lagoons” (massive open sewage ponds) at least 2 of which were breached and released both liquid and solid waste. South Carolina is similar in that poultry is 40% of all agriculture, but 80% of animal agriculture, but ranks far below NC in hogs with 1.85 million. However, coal ash is a major threat in South Carolina with large numbers of unlined, open pits some of which have been clearly breached. North Carolina also has coal ash pit breaches, including a major breach at Duke Energy.

These are not new problems. In fact, there were similar problems in 2016 from Hurricane Matthew. As ash contaminated water systems and cities large and small on bottled water, you would think that dramatic action would have been taken to avoid these problems happening again. Instead, to all appearances, it looks like both the ag business and the the energy business put some patches on their ponds, pits, and lagoons, and when right on without change. The dumping of so much contamination into the water ways and water systems presents massive threats to both animals and people. The biological contaminants from agriculture can cause even skin contact with flood waters and detritus dangerous. Meanwhile the chemical and mineral toxicity from the coal ash can cause an array of long lasting health problems. Further, these problems are going to fall hardest on the most vulnerable the poor of all races, and rural areas, at a point where access to medical care is being undermined at both a federal and state level.

Given that with the climatic changes that are becoming more extreme and rapid due to global warming (still being denied by Republicans and Trump), these types of problems are only going to get worse and more frequent. Not taking serious action to change where and how various wastes are dealt with is not just stupid, it is ethically despicable.

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21 September 2018

Learning the Power of Lies

liar, lies

[Photo: “Liar” by Hekoto.]

By Arnold R. Isaacs
Source:  TomDispatch

Editor's Note
I remember as a child learning the consequences of lying. Of course there are personal consequences like people won’t believe what you say and won’t trust you. Then there are consequences such as people not responding when you need them as in the consequences of ‘crying wolf.’ However, the consequences of lying often falls on others – sometimes disastrously. How many people’s lives have been seriously destroyed by creating false narratives – such as immigrants are rapists, murderers, and members of violent gangs? One of the problems with lies is that all too often they can not be undone, nor can the consequences. For example, the Tonkin Gulf Lie that brought the US into war against North Vietnam, or the non-existent “weapons of mass destruction” that was used to justify the invasion of Iraq.

So what do you do when the President of the United States is an inveterate liar? And even worse when those who venerate him have all kinds of justifications for why he NEEDS to lie, or believe that everyone else is lying – irrespective of evidence to the contrary. Frankly, I feel we are in a situation that will be causing the nation and the world problems long after Trump is a memory. The damage being done with the lies, and institutional destruction, may not be recoverable.

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20 September 2018

Why Israel Demolishes: Khan Al-Ahmar as Representation of Greater Genocide

Israeli army destroys Bedouin village

[Photo: Israeli army destroys Naqab, Bedouin village for 114th time. (Gaza Post]

Ramzy Baroud, PhD

Editor's Note
It would not be an overstatement to say that Israel is doing everything within its power to (literally) grind the Palestinians and Bedouins into dust where it is hoped the desert winds will clear land for unchallenged Israeli possession. What is amazing is that these people who have been displaced and held in a militarized state, whose homes and farms have been repeatedly destroyed, whose access to basic necessities is constantly undermined, stand back up and rebuild their lives not once or twice, but in some cases well over ONE HUNDRED times. It is heartbreaking that this is happening at the hands of a people who faced similar persecution and hounding. Driven into ghettos and every movement controlled; removed to concentration camps where many died. The experience of the Jews under the Nazi regime has become the current day definition of crimes against humanity and attempted genocide. Yet it is these people, of all people, who are reenacting this horror on another people. It is heartbreaking that other peoples, namely the Palestinians and Bedouins are now the targets of such dreams of conquest and power. It is heartbreaking that the United States has chosen Israel as its model of how to deal with ‘the other’. May we pray for the courage and love of a peoples will to life, and that compassion fills those who have hardened their hearts and shuttered their minds so that they may treat others as vermin to be eradicated.

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17 September 2018

One Way to Confront Insane Claims

Puerto Rico post hurricane Maria

[Photo: Puerto Rico post Hurricane Maria (El Dictamen).]

By Stephanie Ruhle
Source:  MSNBC

Editor's Note
Donald Trump has told some whoppers and thrown out off the wall statements throughout his presidency, but his response to the estimated death total in Puerto Rico from hurricane Maria is not only over the top, it is unbelievably disrespectful to those who died and their loved ones. It was idiotic to believe that only 64 people died in Puerto Rico given the level of devastation that included most of the infrastructure of the Commonwealth. That devastation included water and sewage systems, virtually the entire power grid, and transportation. These conditions persisted not just fro a few days or even weeks, but for over a year and there are still significant problems and displacement.

The calculation of the number of people who died due to hurricane Maria was painstakingly done by George Washington University’s Milken Institute of School of Public Health. The report details both the methodology and the findings. Their methodology follows standard practice for calculating casualties and deaths from disasters and even war. The losses have been given a human face by the work of a news site Quartz in cooperation with the Center for Investigative Journalism in Puerto Rico in their interactive site Hurricane Maria’s Dead. The Associated Press has also written a noteworthy article, Maria’s death toll climbed long after rain stopped.

Trump’s efforts to distract and deny are exceeded only by FEMA’s continuing failures in Puerto Rico which included approval on only 75 funeral requests out of 2431; that’s roughly 3%.

Below are Donald Trump’s twitter response (of course) to the news that 2975 people had lost their lives as a consequence of hurricane Maria’s devastation of Puerto Rico. Those tweets are followed by an excellent response by Stephanie Ruhle.

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15 September 2018

The Border Fetish, The U.S. Frontier
 as a Zone of Profit and Sacrifice

Hands, fear, help

[Photo:  (Public Domain).]

By Todd Miller
Source:  Z Magazine

Editor's Note
The United States has a history long conflict over immigration. Good immigrants – bad immigrants. Desirable and undesirable. From the 1800s to mid 1900s the government repeatedly set quotas and bans on one hand while encouraging western European (‘white’) immigration on the other hand. There was a narrow comfort level with what counted as a ‘safe’ number of ‘undesirable’ immigrants. As far as I can tell, that was about 15%. Non-white immigrants were labor forces, and particularly Mexican labor was pulled across the border in times of need, and forcibly removed when either no longer needed or seen as troublesome. This includes a period when Mexican migrants were driven out to be replaced by Japanese who were seen as more pliant.

There are few policies that more define who is “American” (which for most of our history was synonymous with “white”) than immigration policy. Not only have we controlled who can enter the country, but the term on which they do so. This has included everything from limiting the time someone can stay to denying people immigrant status all together as was the case of Chinese labor in the 1800s. In fact, the southern border controls were put in place out of fear of Chinese entering the country from the south – not to control Mexicans crossing the border.

These various expulsions and exclusions are not new. They come in waves, though the current wave has lasted for far too long. Barack Obama “cracked down” on both undocumented folk inside the U.S., and on those crossing the border illegally. Obama also caged children (for periods of time). Though that was during a surge of unaccompanied minors, it was still odious and totally unacceptable. However, Donald Trump has gone far beyond even the excesses of Obama. He (and his nationalist core group lead by Sessions) started a “zero tolerance” policy, but also added a practice of outright cruelty. He broke international law by denying refugees asylum; actually leaving them little choice to attempt entry beyond the the crossing points, and then targeting families. Once the families were in custody, the parents were processed, their children separated from them (with no plan whatsoever to return them to their parents), and then frequently the parents were deported. Now Trump is establishing long term detention camps and petitioning to remove the limits on how long children can be detained.

Syrian refugees in Greece
Syrian refugees arriving in Greece – Deir Ezzor and son (Public Domain).

The anti-immigrant, anti-refugee, is part and parcel with the fascist and dictatorial movement that seems to be sweeping the planet. There are few politicians or leaders who are as blatantly disregarding the rule of law as Donald Trump (Duterte, Omar al-Bashir (Sudan), Bashar al-Assad (Syria), could be included along with Erdogan and Netanyahu). However, this does not mean that those nationalist fascist parties across Europe are not pushing for legislative changes that would facilitate their agenda. We are in dark times and getting darker as the trending policies reflect a growing loss of empathy that leads only to violence and war.

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 as a Zone of Profit and Sacrifice