Fact Check

Fact Checks

  1. Fact check: Female representation on government boards

    Independent MP Cathy McGowan says that the government "has set a target of 50 per cent of women on their boards, on all government boards, and they haven't reached it". RMIT ABC Fact Check finds she's jumping the gun.

  1. Fact check: Profits vs wages

    Opposition finance spokesman Jim Chalmers says the company profits are growing more than five times faster than Australians' wages. But RMIT ABC Fact Check finds there's more to the story.

  2. Fact check: Women in cabinet

    Deputy Liberal Leader Josh Frydenberg says that the newly-minted cabinet sees "additional female representation". RMIT ABC Fact Check finds that claim to be overstated.

  3. Fact check: White Australia policy

    Liberal MP Tim Wilson claims that former prime minister Harold Holt was responsible for abolishing the White Australia policy. RMIT ABC Fact Check finds that claim to be simplistic.

  4. Fact check: Sudanese crime

    Practising lawyer and social justice advocate Nyadol Nyuon says that the majority of crimes in Victoria are committed by Australian and New Zealand-born people, and that those born in Sudan commit only 1 per cent.

  5. Fact check: Working-age Muslims

    Katter's Australian Party senator Fraser Anning says that a majority of Muslims in Australia of working age do not work and live on welfare. RMIT ABC Fact Check finds his claim to be half-baked.

  6. Fact check: Student visas

    In his maiden speech, Katter's Australian Party senator Fraser Anning said that international student visas should be "drastically reduced in number", which he says would create more university places for Australians. RMIT ABC Fact Check finds his claim to be ill-informed.

  1. Fact file: Student civics and citizenship

    A new report has found that about two-thirds of Year 10 students do not have the basic knowledge required to become informed and active citizens in Australia's democracy, a result that Education Minister Simon Birmingham has described as "woeful".

Watch Fact Check

  1. Fact file: Women in parliament

    The Liberal Party is in the midst of a discussion over women's representation in the parliamentary party. Madeleine Morris has a quick explainer on the last two decades.

  2. Fact check: Did former Prime Minister Harold Holt abolish the White Australia policy?

    Who was responsible for the abolition of the White Australia policy? Politicians on both sides of the divide have at various times claimed it for their party. Here's Madeleine Morris with the facts.

  3. Fact checking Fraser Anning

    In his first speech to Parliament, Katter's Australian Party senator Fraser Anning made a number of contested claims. Fact Check takes a look at three of them in this Fraser Anning special.