Capitalism & Crisis

Ten years on, the crisis of global capitalism never really ended

With inequality on the rise, global debt higher than ever and international tensions intensifying, the political backlash to the crash of 2008 has only just begun.

Work & Workers

Imagining a world with no bullshit jobs

In this interview about his latest book, David Graeber discusses the role of unions, the challenges posed by automation and “the revolt of the caring classes.”

Movement & Mobilization

The Long Shadow of May ’68

Fifty years on, contemporary social struggles continue to be shaped in profound ways by the ambivalent legacy of “The Long 1968.”

New Issue

ROAR #8: “Beyond the Border” coming soon!

Our eighth issue, on the revolutionary internationalism of the twenty-first century, is coming soon! This will be our last issue to appear in print, so don’t miss it.

Mass Trespass

This short film tells the story of several hundred brave ramblers from Manchester and Sheffield, whose trespass of Kinder Scout in 1932 played a major role in giving people...

The Birdcage

A filmic experiment investigating the relationship between politics and economics, against a backdrop of democratic deficits, capital controls and soft European coups d’état.

Their Land, Our Home

About to be evicted from their homes, the last residents of Santa Filomena reflect on their lives in an informal neighborhood on the outskirts of Lisbon.

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