People’s Agenda

To Download:  The People’s Agenda for Change

Introduction to the People’s Agenda

We, the participants of the National People’s Summit 2016, after conducting nationwide consultations among different sectors of Philippine society and buoyed by the hope that the Duterte administration will be serious in its promise of achieving real change for the benefit of our people, hereby affirm this People’s Agenda for Change.

Through the efforts of participating organizations and individuals, we collectively defined the key issues and formulated the related demands and proposals that require urgent atten- tion and concrete response from the new government.

The corresponding proposals and programs are contained in the 15-Point Program for Nationalist and Progressive Change and in the more detailed Agenda for the First 100 Days. The latter is divided into five areas: Economy, Social Policy, Governance, Peace and Human Rights, and National Sovereignty and Foreign Policy.

The participants of the National People’s Summit (and all the preceding sectoral and re- gional pre-summits) present these pressing issues to the Duterte administration with high expectations that it will engage the people in consultations and discussions, through various means, towards achieving these much-needed reforms.

The People’s Agenda calls for upholding and asserting national sovereignty that the Fili- pino people may determine their own path towards national development. The People’s Agenda envisions the Philippines to be a vibrant, self-reliant and industrialized country, no longer abjectly dependent on external economic factors to survive. It reflects the aspiration for the peasant majority to be finally free from centuries-old feudal bondage. It embodies the desire for a just and lasting peace to be achieved in our lifetime, by addressing the root causes of armed conflict.

The National People’s Summit is not just a one-day affair. The People’s Agenda will form part of widespread discussions and mass mobilizations after the Summit. The People’s Agenda will be submitted to the executive and legislative branches of government as well as the Philippine government and National Democratic Front of the Philippines peace panels.

We shall continue fighting for these basic reforms as our unbreakable commitment to achieving a better life and future for our people.

Download:  Infographic – The People’s Agenda for Change 2016