R-Ladies Dublin


Chapter of . We do R, data science and gender equality in very well. We'd 💜 you to get involved. Tweets by &

Dublin City, Ireland
Csatlakozott 2017. január


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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    júl. 3.

    We're literally over the Moon as we announce the 3rd Mentor of in , the hands-on and Programme we organise with Committee Member , is a and her mentorship promises to be stellar!

    , , és 7 másik felhasználó
  2. jún. 30.

    Engaging presenter at our March Meetup, is the 2nd in Mentor announced by Ireland. Natalia is Fellow , where she researches on , , and .

  3. jún. 14.

    Thanks to our followers who have already registered for the next cohort of with . If you want to learn how to build and models in and grow your visibility & network in , you're in the right place. Join us!

  4. jún. 11.

    Congratulations ! Dublin is particularly honoured to partner with you and Ireland towards the first cohort of . Join our winning Team and learn in :

  5. jún. 5.

    ⭐Excited to launch the first born from partnership with Ireland!💜 If you are looking to build hands-on competences in and with , join us today! 🤖 💻Register for July 1 cohort at:

    , , és 6 másik felhasználó
  6. jún. 3.
  7. retweetelte
    máj. 5.

    📢 Save the date! Our next Virtual event is all set (shoutout to 😊)! We're super excited to hear talks by and Register at Meetup:

    , , és 3 másik felhasználó
  8. ápr. 14.

    Check out this event by Data + Women Ireland next week

  9. retweetelte
    márc. 22.

    It can be a daunting task to construct regular expressions, especially complex ones. The {rx_} function family from {RVerbalExpressions} 📦 makes this more accessible by allowing one to construct regex using verbal expressions 🔡

  10. márc. 20.

    What a fantastic opportunity - summer accelerator for ambitious 16 – 21 year olds. More details on

  11. retweetelte
    márc. 14.

    Dear , is there an easy way with ggplot when building a scatterplot with a lot of overlaying points with low alpha, to have the legend ignore the alpha parameter ? With alpha = .1 the legend ends up unreadable.

  12. retweetelte
    márc. 8.

    Happy International Women's Day! Celebrate with us on March 20th for a day of workshops and talks from across the UK & Ireland. Register here:

    , , és 4 másik felhasználó
  13. márc. 8.

    There are moments in life when keeping silent becomes a fault and speaking an obligation. A civic duty, a moral challenge, a categorical imperative from which we cannot escape. - Oriana Fallaci, writer and war reporter

    https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Banisadr_Fallaci_Tehran_1979.jpg copyrights: Public Domain
  14. retweetelte
    márc. 1.

    Hey ! What are your favourite packages with colour palettes for ggplot, besides 's awesome wesanderson? I'm looking (ideally) for something colourblind-friendly.

  15. febr. 25.

    📣📣📣 We're looking for speakers We'd love to hear from you if: 👩🏻‍💻you've done a project with R and want to share it with others 👩🏾‍🏫 you could give a tutorial on specific packages or analysis methods. We offer help with the presentation and a relaxed atmosphere at our meetups ☺️

  16. retweetelte
    febr. 20.

    The 60+ bloggers 👇 make my heart so happy! 💜💜💜 Come join us! Here’s a blogdown vs distill comparison 💫 made in collaboration w/ , and more resources to help you get started!

    chart comparing blogdown (harder) vs distill (easier), with other requirements and dependencies for each package.
    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  17. retweetelte
    febr. 20.

    The abstract submission deadline is less than 1 month away! 💨 We would love to support applying to present, especially if it’s your first time. 💜 This year we have 2 ways to do this: [Thread (1/4)]

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  18. febr. 17.

    Many thanks to everyone who attended our "Intro to in R" this week, led by the hugely engaging Fiona Murphy! If you missed the appointment, or you want to practise the code, visit Dublin

  19. retweetelte
    2020. febr. 23.

    4 essential talks every programmer should watch to go from learneR to masteR 💡🔲🐛🧠👇

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  20. febr. 8.

    Back to basics for our first in 2021 Discover Machine Learning or refresh your models in with EY Senior Data Analyst Register at and join us via Zoom for a new Happy HouR on Monday, 15th February 2021 at 5.15pm GMT

    , , és 5 másik felhasználó

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