The Aderholt Amendment would allow adoption providers to discriminate against prospective parents, for any reason rooted in religion, while still receiving taxpayer money.

We need a Justice that can be trusted to serve as a check to the power of the President and the religious right. Call your Senators today.

Watch our new video "Freedom Of and Freedom From: Fighting for Secular America" which was filmed during the Secular Coalition's 2017 Lobby Day and Secular Values Summit. We hope it gives you a glimpse of who we are, what we are doing, and where we are going.

The Secular Coalition for America hailed a new study released by the Public Religion Research Institute showing that nearly one-quarter of all Americans (24.8%) have no religious affiliation. The new data confirms that the nonreligious are now the largest "religious group" in the United States.

The Secular Coalition for America is a proud member of the Coalition for Liberty and Justice (CLJ). CLJ is a broad alliance of faith-based, secular and other organizations that works to ensure that public policy protects the religious liberty of individuals of all faiths and no faith and to oppose public policies that impose one religious viewpoint on all.

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