China’s Belt and Road as a Conduit for Clean Power Projects Around the World
To Hell with Happy Endings! An Anti-School Manifesto
“Education and Patriotism” (Kyōiku to aikoku). A Documentary
A New Interpretation of the Bakufu’s Refusal to Open the Ryukyus to Commodore Perry¹
Lifting The Darkness: American and Vietnamese War Poets
Ecological civilization Politics and Governance in Hangzhou: New pathways to green urban development?
Japan’s 3.11 Nuclear Disaster and the State of Exception: Notes on Kamanaka’s Interview and Two Recent Films
Fukushima, Media, Democracy: The Promise of Documentary Film
Prologue to the Face of Jizo
The Abe State and Okinawan Protest – High Noon 2018
Kandō Conservatism – “Moving” war narratives in Japanese online fan videos
Household Registration and Suffrage in Post World War II Japan: The case of the Unregistered (Mukosekisha)
“Grandfather Crocodile is my inspiration: Abé Barreto Soares, poetry and nation-building in Timor-Leste
Olympic Dissent: Art, Politics, and the Tokyo Olympic Games of 1964 and 2020
Justice Postponed: Ito Shiori and Rape in Japan
At Home and Abroad, Trump Tramples Human Rights
Bury Me With My Comrades: Memorializing Mao's Sent-Down Youth
“Brought to You by Our Sponsors”: The TBS Adaptation of Ishiguro’s Novel Never Let Me Go
Can Chinese Cities Leave the Car Behind? Gridlock, Pollution and the Future of Public Transportation
“The Most Dangerous Base in the World”