

Below you can see ideas members of the WordPress community (like you!) have proposed, and rate them. The highest rated ideas will be included in a future version, so if you have an idea let us know here.

4,964 ideas, 74,473 votes, and counting

Latest Ideas

Option to know if the translation is for front or for back
0 Votes
Categorize posts into back-end
0 Votes
Replace media library image
4 Votes
Preview for mobile & tablet
1 Vote
Change image in quick edit option
2 Votes
more »


Accessibility – Suggestions for making WordPress more accessible and ADA-compliant 192
Comments – Suggestions about how to handle comment features 79
Editing – Suggestions around creation of content 352
Email – Suggestions around any of the built-in email features 35
Functions and Hooks – Suggestions for improved functions, new actions or filters 377
i18n – Suggestions around translation 29
Media – Images, Video, Music, ... 289
Performance – Suggestions on making WordPress better/faster/stronger 133
Taxonomy – Suggestions around categories, tags, custom taxonomies 78
UI and Design – Making WordPress usable and pretty 341
User Roles – Suggestions about user roles and permissions 51
Widgets – Suggestions for the way widgets work 111
General – When your idea doesn't fit anywhere else 2,897

Propose an Idea

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