Everyone loves it until they're on it


  • ABC Under Fire

    Chaos at the ABC with the managing director and chairman forced to leave; Grahame Morris' ABC conspiracy; and Seven's exclusive with pardoned filmmaker James Ricketson.

Guthrie gone

ABC Board sacks managing director Michelle Guthrie

Interview emBRAgoed

Bra company sets the terms of exclusive Serena Williams interview

Media moguls

Did Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Stokes contribute to Turnbull’s downfall?

60 Minutes property

Program reports on a 40% fall in property prices but fails to include less alarming predictions

Berry Scary

Is the media running a strawberry scare campaign? Sesame street writer reveals Bert and Ernie as gay. Georgia Love's Instagram plugs. And 7.30 promotes juicy exclusive but doesn't deliver. 

PR emergency

NSW Paramedics Association issue an inflammatory media release full of false claims



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