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October 3, 2018 - click here for index of articles.


A meeting held in Melbourne of ABC staff on September 26 called for the chairman Justin Milne to stand aside while an independent inquiry into media allegations took place. “The ABC is, and always has been, a fiercely independent news organisation and it is of no concern to our program makers or journalists whether they are hated by any government”, the meeting declared in a resolution.  more ...

Editorial – Dump the fossil fools

This week Energy Minister Angus Taylor bitterly denounced attempts to promote renewable energy generation in order to reduce carbon emissions. He unreservedly backs the fossil fuel industries, but he knows they’re about to be shouldered aside and trampled underfoot by renewable energy production.  more ...

Alcoa dispute – Victory for courageous workers

After 52 days, six picket lines across five sites, and more than 1,500 courageous striking workers, the Alcoa dispute has ended with Australian Workers’ Union (AWU) members securing the job security provisions they were seeking.  more ...

It’s your ABC –Statements

Justin Milne and Michelle Guthrie have both failed our ABC, and they are doing further damage with this behaviour.  more ...

Empire and the Bomb

Dr Joseph Gerson was in Australia for a speaking tour to four cities as the guest of the Sydney Hiroshima Day Committee. Dr Gerson is president of the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, vice president of the International Peace Bureau and the author of Empire and the Bomb: How the US Uses Nuclear Weapons to Dominate the World.  more ...

Criticising Israel does not equate to anti-Semitism

Does the British Labour Party and its leader, Jeremy Corbyn, have an “anti-Semitism problem,” or has the party’s left wing been targeted by the Israeli government for its support of the growing boycott and divestment movement that challenges Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land? A group of Israeli lawyers and social activists would like to know the answer to that question and have filed a Freedom of Information action in an effort to find out.  more ...

Following Razan’s footsteps

Rayan al-Najjar had hoped to study law when Gaza’s universities open this month. Israeli aggression caused her to change plans. On June 1, Rayan’s sister Razan, a medic, was killed as she treated people wounded during the Great March of Return. Her death has prompted Rayan to pursue a nursing degree at Al-Azhar University.  more ...

No to climate cranks

A common, dispiriting problem activists often face is the difficulty in discerning any direct effects of all their hard work. This does not apply to Dr Rupert Read’s latest action on climate change. On August 1 Read, who is chair of the Green House think tank and a lecturer in philosophy at the University of East Anglia, tweeted that he decided to turn down an invitation from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire to debate with a climate change denier.  more ...

Culture & Life – Trump heaps more abuse on Cuba

In late September of 2017 the State Department removed 60 percent of the staff at the US Embassy in Havana, ostensibly because their health was endangered. A week later, for “reciprocity”, the Department expelled 15 Cuban diplomats stationed in Washington. A travel alert warned potential US visitors to Cuba of danger there to their health.  more ...

Quote of the Week

I am not now a patriot and no big hero.
When I had to choose between loyalty to my mother and to myself, I preferred mother.

Lieutenant Amos Levinberg, an Israeli intelligence officer
captured by the Syrians in 1973, who told everything he knew – quoted in Ha’aretz newspaper.

This web page was last updated: Tuesday, October 2, 2018.

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