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Ohio Prosecutor Seeks Execution Date for Kieth LaMar, Lucasville Uprising Survivor

Update on Lucasville Uprising survivor and prisoner, Kieth LaMar. “An execution date should not be scheduled because Mr LaMar’s death sentence is precisely the sort...

Phone Zap and Action to Hold Boeing Proud Boy Accountable

Seattle General Defense Committee (GDC) announces a campaign against a member of the violent far-Right group, the Proud Boys. Nick Boling is a violent Proud...

White Supremacist Proud Boys Assault Antifascist Dance Party And Get More...

Rocky Mountain Antifa reports how Denver held its own and sent Proud Boys packing. On September 15, 2018 Major League Liberty (MLL), an alt-right...

This Is America #32: The Revolting Pacific Northwest

Welcome, to This Is America, September 27th, 2018. In this episode we bring you two interviews from the Pacific Northwest, the first with someone that...

In Solidarity With the Occupation at Portland State University

A report from the Youth Liberation Front in Portland about the recent march at Portland State University and the ongoing occupation. On September 24th,...

Still Rising #7 Mixtape

The Still Rising Mixtape is an ongoing anarchist mixtape project. This 7th mixtape is dedicated to all the egalitarian leaders and humanitarians whose spirits live...

Olympia, WA: Autonomous Crowd Reopens The Artesian Commons Police Respond with...

A report from Puget Sound Anarchists about the closing ofo the Artesian Commons. Includes an analysis as well as some flyers that were distributed. At...

The Seattle Worker: August-September 2018

The Seattle branch of the IWW releases a new issue of their publication. The Seattle Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World is proud...

Solidarity and Healing in the Revolutionary Movement

This essay was originally posted on Philly Anti-Capitalist and written by the Friendly Fire Collective. On a rainy Sunday afternoon in early September we...

From Embers: New Content in September 2018

From Embers is a regular anarchist podcast produced in Kingston, Ontario. Check out their content from September.  We produce a few episodes a month about...

Hotwire #38: #OperationAirDrop, Portland Occupation, IRPGF Dissolves

CrimethInc. presents their weekly podcast on international anarchist news. Our feature this episode is an interview with an anarchist involved in one of the more...

Greg Curry’s Struggle to Exit the Supermax

Lucasville Amnesty reports on Greg Curry's battle to exit Supermax. For an awesome support poster for Curry, go here. Greg Curry was charged with joining...

Autonomous Struggle Vs the Political Party Machine

In a recent op-ed piece in the Mexican liberal newspaper, La Jornada, professor at the College of Mexico, Soledad Loaeza, writes that, “History teaches...

Call-In: Demand Kent State Stop Facilitating Racist Intimidation

Call for phone-zap campaign against an armed march around campus to be coordinated with campus police at Kent State and featuring white nationalist groups. Kaitlin...

Trouble #15: And You Don’t Stop

A look at the evolution of hip-hop as it has evolved over the decades and been informed by the realities of capitalism, white supremacy,...

Harrisburg, PA: Banner Drop Against Prison Labor and Berks

Photo and communique was originally published on Philly Anti-Capitalist, which we re-print here. We dropped our banner on an overpass near Harrisburg, PA in solidarity...

Black August Resistance 2018: Remembering the Inmates for Action

For Black August, anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble recounts the history of Inmates for Action, or (IFA), based in Alabama prisons. “Born on the battlefield...

Bloomington, IN: Plain Words #6

Anarchist publication Plain Words out of Bloomington returns with a new issue. After a summer vacation, Plain Words is back! The autumn issue features...

Casey Transferred and Needs Parole Board Letters!

Update on anarchist prisoner Casey Brezik, and ways to support him. Casey was recently transferred to the Farmington Correctional Center in Farmington, Missouri. In...

Documents Show Proud Boys Met With Berkeley City Councilman

For months, the far-Right and the Alt-Right have pushed conspiracy theories that City of Berkeley officials are somehow linked to the antifascist movement. New...

Final Straw: Interview with Former Political Prisoner Zolo Azania

Final Straw sits down with long term black liberation ex-political prisoner Zolo Azania. Listen and Download HERE This week on The Final Straw radio we...
This essay was originally posted on Philly Anti-Capitalist and written by the Friendly Fire Collective. On a rainy Sunday afternoon in early September we came together to reflect on the trauma that we experienced at the hands of the State this summer (and in general). All of us have...
In a recent op-ed piece in the Mexican liberal newspaper, La Jornada, professor at the College of Mexico, Soledad Loaeza, writes that, “History teaches us that political regimes without parties quickly become dictatorships that pervert the principles of participation and representation, and promote an artificial simplification and impoverishment of...
Rocky Mountain Antifa reports how Denver held its own and sent Proud Boys packing. On September 15, 2018 Major League Liberty (MLL), an alt-right lunatic fringe propaganda outlet operating on the agenda of spreading conspiracy theories while attempting to normalize racism and ultra-nationalism, held a permitted event “Rally to...
Photo and communique was originally published on Philly Anti-Capitalist, which we re-print here. We dropped our banner on an overpass near Harrisburg, PA in solidarity with this past month’s prison strike. We want to honor their wishes to keep this issue in the public eye, letting our friends (and enemies)...
A report from the Youth Liberation Front in Portland about the recent march at Portland State University and the ongoing occupation. On September 24th, 2018, a march organized by the Portland State University Student Union took place in memory of Jason Washington, who was shot and killed on campus...
A report from Puget Sound Anarchists about the closing ofo the Artesian Commons. Includes an analysis as well as some flyers that were distributed. At 1 PM on Saturday some unknown anonymous heroes tore down the fences surrounding Olympia’s Artesian Commons, a concrete lot with basketball hoops and benches adjacent...