Appearing before the royal commission has come with a hefty price tag for the big banks.

Banks spend hundreds of millions on Hayne

The big banks and AMP have spent tens of millions of dollars on their royal commission appearances and expect to spend at least the same in the second half.

ASX closes lower as banks fall

Australian shares closed the session modestly lower on Thursday as some minor losses by the major banks weighed on the market.

Milne referred to 'chicks' at MYOB

Justin Milne, who resigned as ABC chairman on Thursday morning, allegedly used the term "chick" to refer to a woman at the MYOB Group.

Trevor St Baker says the big banks should rethink their reluctance to fund new coal power.

Coal power plan hits banks' fear of carbon

Trevor St Baker's dream of building a new coal power station partly underwritten by the taxpayer could founder on the reluctance of big banks to fund the most carbon-intensive form of generation.

NAB sued over junk insurance

NAB has been hit by a consumer class action for selling junk credit card insurance on the eve of the banking royal commission's interim report.

The Australian sharemarket is set to trade lower today following the Fed's decision overnight to increase rates.

How the day in markets unfolded

The Australian sharemarket closed the session modestly lower as the major banks weighed the benchmark index ahead of the royal commission's interim report.

RBNZ holds rates at 1.75pc

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand held interest rates steady at a record low and said they would likely remain at that level into 2020.


The AFR View

The doctrine of Trumpism

The global superpower is now about patriotism, not globalism, and "America First" is the guiding principle that the land of the free is now pursuing.

Baroness Rona Fairhead in Melbourne says the UK government is preparing for a 'no-deal' Brexit.

UK taps Australia as it prepares for 'no-deal' Brexit

Britain's trade minister Baroness Rona Fairhead is meeting with her state counterparts in Melbourne and Perth this week, as the UK government braces itself for the possible impact of a worst-case, "no-deal" Brexit next March.

Labor pledges bigger surpluses

Labor says it will bank revenue windfalls to help insulate the economy against global shocks as it pledges to deliver a better budget outlook than the Coalition.

Orcel's first job at Santander is to fix the US

Bolting on a big retail bank based in say, California, could make a lot of sense for a Spanish-speaking bank and its new, Spanish-speaking CEO. If the consummate Wall Street dealmaker cannot pull this off, no one can.

Personal Finance

Jointly-owned investments held outside super revert automatically to the surviving partner.

When to close an SMSF and invest in your own name

You can wind up a DIY superannuation fund to transfer its assets to an industry fund. You can also do the same to manage its assets outside super, writes John Wasiliev, who answers your questions on superannuation.

Universities Australia chief executive Catriona Jackson said the rankings confirmed Australia's world-class standing but ...

Uni rankings slip, but experts say Australia OK

An international university ranking company claims there are signs of stagnation in Australian higher education, with many universities "losing ground and reputation faced with funding cuts and intensified global competition".

Founders aren't diamonds: venture capitalist

As a venture capitalist, I'm seeking technology start-up founders who are like diamonds. But how much pressure should they undergo to prove they're one of these precious gems?