Agenda for Documentation Team meeting 13 August 2018

The next Documentation Team meeting is scheduled on

Monday, August 13, 2018, 15:00 UTC

in the #docs channel on Slack.

If we do not get any attendance, open floor will be held instead

Current Projects Updates:

  1. Codex Migration (DevHub) – @atachibana
  2. DevHub – @drewapicture & @coffee2code
  3. HelpHub – @kenshino
  4. Inline Docs – @drewapicture & @atimmer

Documentation Team’s handbook

  • We’ll check on the progress of Docs Team’s handbook improvements

Open Floor

Feel free to comment if you have items to add to the agenda.

Summary for HelpHub meeting 6 August 2018


@atachibana @kafleg @mapk @polkadotcreation @jesseowens @audrasjb @jeroenrotty @chetan200891 @kenshino @tomf @tomjn @joyously @felipeelia @kartikshukla attended

Phase 1 Updates

Still no concrete updates from Phase 1. @kenshino will be pinging the meta team and likely joining the meta team meeting to push this forward.

Phase 2 Updates

@audrasjb migrated the remaining pages onto HelpHub staging and has been working on template enhancements

We’ve created an issue to track linking WordPress versions from DevHub –

@audrasjb and @atachibana are working on improving the content format of the WordPress Version pages so that users and developers can get information relevant to them immediately.

@tomjn is working on Gutenberg functionality for HelpHub

@tomf is going through Contributor feedback functionality

You can view the meeting history in detail at

Agenda for HelpHub Meeting 6 August 2018

Hello all,

Next HelpHub meeting will happen on

Monday, August 6, 2018, 15:00 UTC
  1. Attendance
  2. Phase 1 Updates (if any)
  3. Phase 2 discussion
    • Let’s pick up discussion from last week!
  4. Bug Scrub
  5. AOB

Pinging @kenshino @atachibana @jon_bossenger @karys @nlarnold1 @greensteph @sarassassin @bethannon1 @juhise @sergeybiryukov @bravokeyl @quitevisible @ankitguptaindia @anevins @justingreerbbi @carl-alberto @geoffreyshilling @normalize @hardeepasrani @danhgilmore @wizzard_ @cristiano.zanca @tacoverdo @lumberhack @krogsgard @clorith @versatility @mapk @netweb @milana_cap

If I have missed any usernames, it’s not on purpose and do consider yourself invited to the meeting.

Helpful Links

  • HelpHub Staging –
  • GitHub repo –
  • State of HelpHub (read for Phase 2) –
  • Documentation Team meeting minutes –

Summary for Documentation Team Meeting 30 July 2018


@kenshino @atachibana @drewapicture @atimmer @milana_cap @audrasjb @wizzard_ @felipeelia

Codex Migration (DevHub)

@atachibana has picked up from @drewapicture to finish up the Codex Migration for articles relating to DevHub

Key factors that we look into while migrating

  1. What is relevant to developers
  2. What’s not longer relevant (because we only support stable WP in the code reference)
  3. What’s just plain wrong and needs to be stripped out

The work progress is being tracked via a Google Sheet

DevHub development

@coffee2code is responsible for DevHub’s development road map and @drewapicture is catching up with him to implement auto-approving for the feedback mechanism for authors that have had sustantial suggestions previously approved


We’ve been ready to launch for a little more than 1 month but it’s been stuck in limbo because of ‘s media upload restrictions.

There are only a few people who can directly upload the media files to the CDN and then we’ll still have to run the importer to get the content in (without dealing with uploads)

The media files to CDN thing is in an unclear state. But the content work is being looked at by Dion.

@kenshino will catch up with @coffee2code to look into the CDN issue.

A draft post to announce the launch of HelpHub and the deprecation of Codex is being planned.

Inline Docs

@sergeybiryukov has taken over most of @drewapicture‘s duties for inline documentation.

The Yoast team has been working hard on all core admin JS inline documentation.

The Docs team has invited @atimmer to join Docs Team meetings to update on JS inline documentation proceedings.

Docs Team Handbook Structure

The Docs Team spends a lot of time creating docs all over the WordPress ecosystem but ends up not being able to improve our own internal handbook.

The official Docs Team Trello group is at and we have setup the Docs Team handbook restructure board at

@milana_cap is in charge of this project so please ping her if you’re interested to help make the Docs  Team’s documentation better 🙂

Feedback for Docs Team handbook

We’ve decided to adopt the use of to allow the public to give feedback on the Docs Team handbook.

This allow us to

  • Attribute accountability
  • Tie into Slack notifications
  • Tie into accounts

We might consider using that for more areas but we’ll take one step at a time!

Next Meeting

The next Docs Team meeting will be on 13 August Monday. This week (6 August), we’ll be having the HelpHub meeting at 15:00 UTC.

You can view the meeting history in detail at

Agenda for Docs Team Meeting 30 July 2018

Don’t forget we’re doing alternate Docs Team & HelpHub meetings!

Monday, July 30, 2018, 15:00 UTC

in the #docs channel on Slack.

If we do not get any attendance, open floor will be held instead

Current Projects Updates:

  1. Codex Migration (DevHub) – @drewapicture
  2. DevHub – @drewapicture
  3. HelpHub – @kenshino
  4. Inline Docs – @drewapicture

Documentation Team’s handbook Evaluation

  • We’ll talk about the overall Docs Team handbook structure first and then with the following weeks improve the pages.

Open Floor

Feel free to comment if you have items to add to the agenda.

Summary of HelpHub Meeting 23 July 2018


@kenshino @zzap @mapk @felipeelia @atachibana @jeroenrotty @tomf @clorith @g.allegretta

Phase 1 Updates

We’re waiting on content to go into the CDN (media stuff), we’re not doing the text migration until that’s done because doing content twice is a waste of resources and we won’t know the paths etc until it’s been uploaded so doing prep-work and having 404’ed media until it’s there doesn’t seem an option. (@clorith)

Phase 2

WordPress Version page (Epic #249)

WordPress Version page is release notes in Codex (e.g. Version 4.9.7). Those pages should be migrated into HelpHub, and Epic #249 and its sub tasks (#245 – #248) were created.

We have to endorse #core-docs team so that they can create/manage the new Version page in HelpHub.

Feedback functionality (#240)

@tomf has been working on a proof of concept using Gutenberg and Attachment Blocks.

DevHub Suggestion Piece: Since the Gutenberg Attachment Blocks piece might take longer than utilizing the existing DevHub piece, timewise, it seems to make sense to implement DevHub solution first.
*will need to reference DevHub Repo
*isolate code to be used to add feature

Gutenberg Attachment Blocks: Will continue to technically outline this and move forward. Team decided to require a user to be logged in to submit a suggestion vs. being able to do so without being logged in from the front end.

New Issues (#254 – #256)

@pskli raised some issues for Phase 2.

#254 Contributor Recognition
#255 Gutenberg Blocks
#256 Gutenberg template

Agenda for HelpHub Meeting 23 July 2018

Hello all,

Next HelpHub meeting will happen on

Monday, July 23, 2018, 15:00 UTC
  1. Attendance
  2. Phase 1 Updates (if any)
  3. Phase 2 discussion
  4. AOB

Pinging @kenshino @atachibana @jon_bossenger @karys @nlarnold1 @greensteph @sarassassin @bethannon1 @juhise @sergeybiryukov @bravokeyl @quitevisible @ankitguptaindia @anevins @justingreerbbi @carl-alberto @geoffreyshilling @normalize @hardeepasrani @danhgilmore @wizzard_ @cristiano.zanca @tacoverdo @lumberhack @krogsgard @clorith @versatility @mapk @netweb @milana_cap

If I have missed any usernames, it’s not on purpose and do consider yourself invited to the meeting.

Helpful Links

  • HelpHub Staging –
  • GitHub repo –
  • State of HelpHub (read for Phase 2) –

Agenda for Documentation Team Meeting 16 July 2018

As discussed in the open floor of the HelpHub meeting previously, the Documentation team meeting will alternate with HelpHub meeting.

I don’t expect a lot of attendance since we’re just restarting but let’s all just get into the momentum!

Monday, July 16, 2018, 15:00 UTC

in the #docs channel on Slack.

If we do not get any attendance, open floor will be held instead

Current Projects Updates:

  1. Codex Migration (DevHub) – @drewapicture
  2. DevHub – @drewapicture
  3. HelpHub – @kenshino
  4. Inline Docs – @drewapicture

Other Stuff:

  1. Defining proper Docs Team meeting agenda
  2. Open Floor

Feel free to comment if you have items to add to the agenda.

Agenda for HelpHub Meeting 9 July 2018

Hello all,

Next HelpHub meeting will happen on

Monday, July 9, 2018, 15:00 UTC

in #docs.

As discussed last meeting, we’ll alternate HelpHub meetings with Documentation Team meetings. This week we’ll do HelpHub again with the next being Doc Team’s!

  1. Attendance
  2. Phase 1 Updates (if any)
  3. Phase 2 discussion
  4. AOB

Pinging @kenshino @atachibana @jon_bossenger @karys @nlarnold1 @greensteph @sarassassin @bethannon1 @juhise @sergeybiryukov @bravokeyl @quitevisible @ankitguptaindia @anevins @justingreerbbi @carl-alberto @geoffreyshilling @normalize @hardeepasrani @danhgilmore @wizzard_ @cristiano.zanca @tacoverdo @lumberhack @krogsgard @clorith @versatility @mapk @netweb @milana_cap

If I have missed any usernames, it’s not on purpose and do consider yourself invited to the meeting.

Helpful Links

  • HelpHub Staging –
  • GitHub repo –
  • State of HelpHub (read for Phase 2) –
  • Last meeting minutes –

Summary of HelpHub Meeting 2 July 2018


@pskli @netweb @clorith @milana_cap @atachibana @g.allegretta @kenshino

Phase 1 Launch

We faced some issues at the systems level – there was no direct way to import the media that we have.

So now we’re gonna have to manually feed the media to the CDN and we might end up with HelpHub going up with no ability to upload media.

We’re gonna look at fixing the upload media portion with the Systems & Meta teams after.

This will likely take more time, I don’t have a clear estimate now. @clorith @netweb are working hard on it

There is also a content freeze in effect now to make sure we don’t need to do content migration twice when the migration is particularly difficult right now.

Phase 2 Starts

Current Focus

As a fair bit of the improvements require data from Phase 1 (e.g. how people use the site and getting appropriate feedback), we’ve decided to work on functionality that promotes the involvement from the wider audience.

Reminder for what we planned for Phase 2

Feedback Mechanism

A new issue was created to differentiate from the Article Voting functionality and a healthy discussion has started –

WP Versions

We voted to revisit requirements for this with the Core Team. The issue can certainly be written better – e.g. putting Codex screenshots to show what we’re replacing and how we intent for content to be restructured

A new Epic was created to track this –

GitHub issues

It was suggested that we have proper issues created (if not already) for each of the suggested parts of Phase 2. That is being worked on @pskli

Development Meta

Gulp/Grunt is currently broken on HelpHub repo. @pskli and @netweb are working to fix it.


Doc Team Meetings

We voted to alternate HelpHub meetings with Documentation Team meetings. This is especially helpful as HelpHub requires other Doc Team work such as Codex redirection for HelpHub to get the visitors it’s intended for.