Useful Atrocities

Who outside of Syria knows the names Yara Abbas, Maya Naser, Mohamed al-Saeed…? The corporate media has inundated us with news of the two American journalists allegedly beheaded, the first of whose execution video has been deemed faked. But what of the non-Western journalists and civilians beheaded and murdered by ISIS, al-Nusra, and associated terrorists… Read More Useful Atrocities

Road to Victory: Syria’s Zenobians Stand to Win International Rugby Tournament

By Eva Bartlett While I don’t follow organized sports, when I got the opportunity to meet the only rugby team in Syria and see them practise, I jumped on it.  I found the fact that these men still meet, train and compete–in spite of the many obstacles which should prevent them from doing so–fascinating. What… Read More Road to Victory: Syria’s Zenobians Stand to Win International Rugby Tournament

The Terrorism We Support in Syria: A First-hand Account of the Use of Mortars against Civilians

By Eva Bartlett In stark contrast to the sparse coverage of the brutality of ISIS and other terrorist groups in Syria over the past few years, there has recently been substantial coverage of the emergence of ISIS in Iraq and the terrorist acts that this US-backed and funded group has been committing. This surge of… Read More The Terrorism We Support in Syria: A First-hand Account of the Use of Mortars against Civilians

Eva Bartlett: Interview with Syria’s Minister of National Reconciliation

Eva Bartlett is a Canadian justice activist and freelance journalist and has been to Syria twice this year. Read other articles by Eva, or visit Eva’s website. The interview below was reproduced with the author’s permission. It was originally published on Dissident Voice on August 22, 2014. In June, 2014, Eva Bartlett met with Dr.… Read More Eva Bartlett: Interview with Syria’s Minister of National Reconciliation