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Man fell from tree and died – Activists demand immediate stop of police operation in #HambacherForest

Statement by Hambi Bleibt activists after a friend of the activists died earlier today.

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#HambacherForest: Declaration from the canopy

Statement from one person in the Hambacher forest, not from the whole movement.

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#HambacherForst: Response to The Tragic Death of Our Comrade

A piece by our comrades of Hambi Bleibt about the tragic death of friend, comrade and documentarian Steffen.

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Cops banned tomorrows forest walk: All out to #HambacherForest!

Cops banned tomorrows forest walk in Hambacher forest. Only a stationary gathering is allowed. The organizers went to court today to fight the ban but we don’t know if and how the court will decide at the moment. The stationary gathering will take place and hey..  who is going to stop people from taking a walk in a forest on a Sunday afternoon? So.. All out to Hambacher forest!

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The consequences of #HambacherForest: No cops during fascist march in #Dortmund – #Reul launched propaganda show

Yesterday police forces in Hambacher Forest violently evicted a sit-in blockade, injuring several people. Last night fascists marched in two districts in Dortmund, there was almost no police because almost all riot squats are serving energy giant RWE in Hambacher Forest. At the same time the fascists were marching the rest of Dortmund police was busy with a propaganda show, North Rhine Westphalia’s (NRW) state ministe of interior, Herbert Reul (CDU) was their guest.

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South Africa: Inkosi Thulani Mjanyelwa finally laid to rest

Inkosi Thulani Mjanyelwa, the chief in Mpondoland who was brutally killed by a mob of people on 26 August, was finally laid to rest in Bizana on the 15 September. It was a long struggle to be able to bury him at his own homestead.

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Press release #HambiBleibt activists: Let us grieve in peace

On Wednesday afternoon about 3:45 pm, the movement journalist, blogger and activist Steffen Horst Meyn, died in the tree house village Beechtown in Hambach Forest. He crashed while attempting to document an ongoing eviction action by the Special Task Force of Police (SEK), from a suspension bridge from about 20 m height. Rescue workers on the ground tried to resuscitate him. According to our information, however, he died a little later, still in the forest, in a rescue helicopter.

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From #ZAD #NDDL to #HambacherForest: In memory of Steffen & all the others !

ZAD, NDDL: On Wednesday, 19 September, an media activist died from a 15-meter drop from one of the footbridges that connected about 50 treehouses in the Hambacher Forest.

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#HambacherForest: Winter and Jazzy imprisoned since Saturday

+++ Two people evicted from the Hambach Forest imprisoned +++ Arrest-video
becomes internet-sensation – Person now in custody jail +++ Accused not given
contact to lawyer for 3 days +++

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#HambacherForest: Newsticker of a Black Day

We republish yesterdays newsticker of day 7 of the eviction of the Hambacher Forest. A black day. We added some of our tweets to the ticker.

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