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Brett Kavanaugh’s Fox News Interview Was a Disaster—For Him

He was stiff and unconvincing—and he put claims on the record that could easily be disproved. 

Joan Walsh

Supreme Court

The Fight Against Brett Kavanaugh Is Just Beginning

After occupying Senator Chuck Grassley’s office last week, activists vow to keep the uprising going.

Gabriel Thompson
Campaigns and Elections

For Red-State Democrats, There Is Only One Choice: Vote ‘No’ on Kavanaugh

Contrary to the received wisdom, polling shows support for Trump’s Supreme Court pick would hurt senators’ reelection chances.

Sean McElwee
Criminal Justice

California Ended Cash Bail—but May Have Replaced It With Something Even Worse

Racist algorithms and unlimited judicial discretion threaten to increase pretrial incarceration in California.

John Raphling
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From the Magazine


Before We Even Begin to Have a Conversation About Forgiving Brett Kavanaugh

Christine Blasey Ford has come forward with highly credible allegations of sexual assault that deserve a full airing and much reflection.

Katha Pollitt

Florida Is on the Verge of a Historic Voting-Rights Victory

Now ex-felons, nearly 10 percent of the state’s population, are indefinitely barred from voting—but Amendment Four could change that in November.

Sasha Abramsky

Why the Best New Deal Is a Green New Deal

Energized Democrats are learning from their activist base that a sustainable and just environmental plan is not only good policy, it’s good politics.

Greg Carlock and Sean McElwee


Is France Finally Reckoning With Its Brutal Past?

Macron's acknowledgement of French torture during the Algerian war was unprecedented—but what comes next?

Karina Piser

Germany’s Faith-Based Sanctuary Activists Have Created a National Movement

But it’s under growing pressure from politicians waging war on the right to asylum.

Caitlin L. Chandler

Is the ‘Swedish Model’ of Social Democracy Endangered?

The rise of the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats is stunning—but the Social Democrats have been losing ground for decades.

Lars Trägårdh


Barbara Ehrenreich Takes On the Wellness Industry

In her new book, Ehrenreich argues that accepting death means being able to live more fully.

Megan Erickson

How and Why the First Amendment Became a Weapon for the Right

Over the past decade, the Supreme Court has recast free speech and the Constitution’s core principles in order to entrench the power of employers and the wealthy.

Jedediah Purdy

Mitski’s Scream

Her new album captures a generation’s complaints and forthright sense of confidence.

Samantha Schuyler

Watch and Listen

Listen: The Last Stand of the Angry White Man

Author and activist Kevin Powell joins the show to talk racism, feminism, Serena Williams, and hip-hop.

Today 10:00 am

Watch: These Tenants Are Leading the Largest Rent Strike in LA History

Residents of three buildings in Central Los Angeles are refusing to pay rent until their landlord agrees to fair rent increases.

August 20, 2018

Watch: More Dangerous Than a Thousand Rioters: The Revolutionary Life of Lucy Parsons

What we can learn from one of the great organizers in American history.

November 15, 2016


Take Action

Take Direct Action to Stop Brett Kavanaugh

You can also spread the word about protests against Trump’s plans to indefinitely detain immigrant children and demand justice for Puerto Rico.

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