Support us

Your donation is needed! No amount is too small!

CounterVortex receives no foundation underwriting. This is a proudly independent, radical and democratic project. Yet our operating costs are approximately $2,000 a year. We depend on YOU, our readers, to support us. We appeal to every one of our regular readers to send between $5 and $500 (depending on your income) for a one-year sponsorship. Send us a check or use the Paypal account.

Send checks to:

39 Bowery PMB#940
New York NY 10002

Make a single donation by credit card:

Or click these buttons to automatically donate monthly:


We also have a Patreon account, specifically to support the CounterVortex podcast. We ask listeners to pledge one dollar per program. We aim to produce two programs per month.

Note: We removed those annoying Google ads from the wesbite! Please help us make up the lost revenue! We are 100% reader-supported!

You can also subscribe to our weekly headlines mailing here. You will receive only one e-mail per week, and your address will never be shared with any third party.