
Supreme Court Fight Goes Prime Time With Kavanaugh’s Fox News Interview

A historian called it ‘utterly extraordinary” that a Supreme Court nominee was interviewed on television. On Monday, Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh and his wife, Ashley, took questions from Martha MacCallum of Fox News.CreditCreditJacquelyn Martin/Associated Press

Even the toughest Supreme Court confirmation battles never quite came to this: a grim-faced nominee, stoic wife at his side, going on national television and describing when, approximately, he lost his virginity.

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s appearance on Fox News on Monday night, submitting to a tough round of questions from the anchor Martha MacCallum about allegations of sexual misconduct, was the first time in memory that a Supreme Court nominee submitted to a televised interview before the confirmation vote.

Justice Clarence Thomas, whose live testimony about Anita Hill was a major TV event, spoke publicly only during formal Senate hearings, and his famed People magazine cover story in 1991 was published a month after he was confirmed. Judge Merrick Garland, whose nomination was stymied by Republicans until President Barack Obama left office, never granted a TV interview. In 1937, Justice Hugo Black gave a radio address to denounce his past association with the Ku Klux Klan — after he was successfully appointed.

“They avoid the media like the plague,” Christopher W. Schmidt, a legal historian at Chicago-Kent College of Law, said of nominees to the court. “This is generally the last thing they want to do. Which goes to emphasize just how utterly extraordinary what we’re seeing unfold right now actually is.”

The interview, recorded at a Washington hotel on Monday afternoon, was arranged by White House aides looking to salvage Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, which has teetered in the wake of allegations of sexual impropriety that he has denied.

“I have never sexually assaulted anyone, not in high school, not ever,” he said in Monday’s interview.

The platform of Fox News offered Judge Kavanaugh a prime opportunity to make his case directly to President Trump and his supporters. Not only is Mr. Trump an avid watcher, but his deputy chief of staff, Bill Shine, was formerly a co-president of the channel. The president even plugged the interview in a tweet shortly before it aired.

But even as Judge Kavanaugh emphatically denied the accusations against him, his appearance had more than a whiff of a reality-show confessional, starkly at odds with the prestige of the job he is seeking. The judge grew robotic at times under Ms. MacCallum’s scrutiny, reverting to talking points and reacting stiffly to her questions.

“I’ve always treated women with dignity and respect,” Judge Kavanaugh said, repeating the phrase four times in the course of about 20 minutes. He said he was seeking a “fair process” 17 times. When Ms. MacCallum asked if he believed it was fair to judge adults on the actions of their teenage selves, Judge Kavanaugh looked thrown.

“What I’m here to do is tell you the truth,” he said after a pause, “and this allegation from 36 years ago is not —”

Ms. MacCallum jumped in to repeat her question, prompting a halting reply. “I think everyone is judged on their whole life,” Judge Kavanaugh said. “I’m a good person. I’ve led a good life. I’ve tried to do a lot of good for a lot of people. I am not perfect, I know that.”

The choice of Ms. MacCallum as interviewer raised some eyebrows. She works on the reporting side of Fox News as opposed to the commentariat, which includes pro-Trump voices like Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham. But critics pointed to supportive comments she made about Roger E. Ailes, the network’s former chairman, in the wake of a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him in 2016. (Ms. MacCallum said in a tweet that she had been surprised by the allegations in the suit, which forced out Mr. Ailes.)

Since then, Ms. MacCallum, who joined Fox News in 2004 from CNBC, has been given a plum 7 p.m. time slot, and she is one of only two of the network’s news anchors who have interviewed Mr. Trump since he took office.

Her sit-down with Judge Kavanaugh impressed some skeptics. “Martha MacCallum is pressing Kavanaugh more than I would have guessed,” Brian Fallon, Hillary Clinton’s campaign press secretary, wrote on Twitter.

In some respects, Judge Kavanaugh’s on-air defense recalled another television event focused on a political figure’s sexual behavior.

In 1992, Bill and Hillary Clinton sat down with Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes” to address reports that Mr. Clinton, then a Democratic candidate for president, had carried on an affair with a woman named Gennifer Flowers. The wincingly personal nature of that interview was paralleled on Monday when Ms. MacCallum asked Judge Kavanaugh about rumors that he and his high school friends targeted women for sex at parties.

“I did not have sexual intercourse or anything close to sexual intercourse in high school or for many years thereafter,” the judge replied.

“So you’re saying,” Ms. MacCallum interrupted, “that through all these years that are in question, you were a virgin?”

His face frozen — and his confirmation on the line — Judge Kavanaugh had little choice but to respond. “That’s correct,” he said.

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