Banking & finance | Industry, Markets and Company News | WA Today


Banking & finance

Banks spooked as behavioural ghosts won't be put to rest easily

Banks spooked as behavioural ghosts won't be put to rest easily

The massive cost of banks behaving badly

  • by Elizabeth Knight


Fourth former NAB banker banned over alleged home loan fraud ring
Banking royal commission

Fourth former NAB banker banned over alleged home loan fraud ring

Mathew Alwan was banned over his involvement in an alleged fraud ring that abused the bank's "introducer" home loan referral program.

  • by Sarah Danckert
CBA pays up to keep banking services in post offices
Banking products

CBA pays up to keep banking services in post offices

The move increases pressure on Australia's three other major banks to follow suit.

  • by Patrick Hatch
ANZ shares dive on heavy royal commission and compensation costs
Big four

ANZ shares dive on heavy royal commission and compensation costs

ANZ's shares have slumped after it said it would take a $824 million hit to its annual result as it compensates customers who received inappropriate advice among other issues.

  • by Sarah Danckert
Big four bank chiefs to face parliamentary grilling
Banking royal commission

Big four bank chiefs to face parliamentary grilling

Bank chief executives this week face a public grilling that is likely to scrtunise how a sales-driven culture was allowed to take hold in the industry.

  • by Clancy Yeates
US rates, franking changes mean uncertainty for Australian investors
Portfolio management

US rates, franking changes mean uncertainty for Australian investors

Predicted US rate rises and a proposal to cease paying cash refunds for excess franking credits are compounding the uncertainty brought on by the banking royal commission.

  • by Daryl Dixon
High-society fintech under pressure to perform for billionaire backers
P2P lending

High-society fintech under pressure to perform for billionaire backers

A play against the banks by three of Australia's media billionaires is yet to deliver juicy returns.

  • by Clancy Yeates
Banking Bad: 'Greed' - inside the banking royal commission
Please Explain podcast

Banking Bad: 'Greed' - inside the banking royal commission

In Please Explain: Episode 3 - what motivates the banking industry, and what contributed to such widespread misconduct?

NAB stung by alleged 'liar loan' fraud
Banking products

NAB stung by alleged 'liar loan' fraud

Another day, another arrest for a home loan fraud linked to National Australia Bank, raising more questions about the quality of the loan books held by banks.

  • by Sarah Danckert
BOQ says rivals have 'long way to go' in checking expenses
Banking royal commission

BOQ says rivals have 'long way to go' in checking expenses

Bank of Queensland says rival lenders still have a "long way to go" in checking whether new mortgage customers can afford their loans within their household budgets.

  • by Clancy Yeates
How JP retired at 28 with millions after growing up poor
Money psychology

How JP retired at 28 with millions after growing up poor

My parents grew up poor. Eight-people-living-in-a-one-room-apartment poor - but here's how i made millions to retire early.

  • by JP Livingston