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Ponni Arasu, a Tamil, queer, feminist activist, discusses organizing

September 7, 2018

This is an audio dispatch from No Borders Media. Earlier today, the Supreme Court of India issued a unanimous decision, overturning section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which criminalized gay sex. The decision is an historic and meaningful victory for the mobilizing and organizing of queer communities in the Indian state.

For perspective on this important decision, and to look ahead, No Borders Media spoke with Ponni Arasu, a Tamil, queer, feminist activist, and a member of Voices Against 377. She speaks about both the legal and grassroots organizing struggles of the past decade, the sectors of Indian society who opposed the decriminalization of gay sex, as well as the generations of queer people who fought against section 377 in the past.

This interview was recorded on September 6, 2018, by Jaggi Singh for No Borders Media.

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No Borders Media (Toronto/Montreal)
soundcloud: @NoBordersMedia

Queer LiberationSocial Movements

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One comment on “Ponni Arasu, a Tamil, queer, feminist activist, discusses organizing”

Myself mansi since reading ur story got me inspired on womens day happy womens day to a strong tamil ponnu

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