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Jesus Barraza

Bay Area, California, United States

Jesus Barraza is an interdisciplinary artist and is pursuing an MFA in Social Practice and a Masters in Visual Critical Studies. He holds a BA in Raza Studies from San Francisco State University. He is a co-founder of Dignidad Rebelde a graphic arts collaboration that produces screen prints, political posters and multimedia projects and a member of JustSeeds Artists Cooperative a decentralized group of political artists based in Canada, the United States and Mexico. From 2003-2010 he was a partner at Tumis design studio where he worked as web developer, graphic designer and project manager. Barraza has worked closely with numerous community organizations to create prints that visualize struggles for immigration rights, housing, education, and international solidarity. Printmaking has allowed Barraza to produce relevant images that can be put back into the hands of his community and spread throughout the world. He believes that through this work and the work of Dignidad Rebelde, he is playing a role in keeping the history of graphic art activism alive. He proudly continues the tradition of graphic art in the spirit of Jose Gaudalupe Posada, OSPAAAL and Juan R. Fuentes, whose artwork has been part a pivotal part of social movements. Barraza prides himself on his continued connection to his community and his availability as an activist artist who can be relied on for help.


Other Media

#HelpMelanieCervantes fight cancer!

#HelpMelanieCervantes fight cancer!

May 27, 2017

Please considering donating to #helpmelaniecervantes fight cancer! Dear family, friends and supporters, I want to give thanks to everyone who has sent me good energy, made a contribution and shared…

Solidarity with Standing Rock

Solidarity with Standing Rock

August 25, 2016

Standing in solidarity with Standing Rock and the struggle to stop the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline. #noDAPL #standingwithStandingRock #WaterIsLife #Rezpect We are selling a limited number of posters…

¡Cesen Deportacion!

¡Cesen Deportacion!

October 22, 2011

In July Melanie Cervantes and I teamed up with Rupert Garcia to produce a print to use as a fundraiser for the Ethnic Studies College at San Francisco State University….

Political Poster Jam

Political Poster Jam

February 18, 2011

I designed this for poster for the Political Poster Jam happening at the Oakland Museum next week. From 8 to 11pm on February 25, 2011, the Oakland Standard will honor…

Shouts from the Wall

Shouts from the Wall

March 23, 2010

Three Justseeds members have a exhibit opening this week in Philadelphia, if your in town join us! The exhibit features 50 posters and prints that document the world as we…

Manifest Equality

Manifest Equality

March 1, 2010

We will be participating in a MANIFEST EQUALITY an exhibit which gathers together a diverse array of hundreds of the nation’s most talented visual artists under one roof to celebrate…

Haiti Will Rise Again

Haiti Will Rise Again

February 1, 2010

We are very happy to announce the release of the first print Dignidad Rebelde publishes, “Haiti Will Rise Again” designed by EastSide Arts Alliance. This image was created by ESAA…