CBA fights back in banking tech war

CBA fights back in banking tech war

CBA is attempting to emerge from the shadow of its money laundering scandal with a bold move to reclaim its mantle as the top bank in the industry's high-stakes tech war.

Macquarie Group\'s CEO-in-waiting Shemara Wikramanayake

Macquarie's CEO's succession conundrum

By putting in train a textbook four month chief executive handover in July, Macquarie Group's board has given Shemara Wikramanayake ample time to address her first key challenge.

This week is a huge one for dividend payouts to shareholders.

Investors poised for cash bonanza

Markets are hoping that a record week of dividend payouts will encourage a fresh wave of buying and reset investor optimism over the prospects for Australian shares.

Cautious Fed could boost $A

Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell is expected to reaffirm his cautious approach to monetary policy this week, potentially paving the way for an extended $A rally.

Dow rallies to fresh record high

Industrials led the Dow to a new closing high on Friday ahead of Monday's major sector reshuffle, capping a week that largely shrugged off trade worries.

Megaport chief executive Denver Maddux is one of a number of new names making waves on the ASX.

The ASX's small tech revolution

A quiet technology revolution had been gathering steam at the shallower end of the bourse, but is it too late to get on board?


The AFR View

A great Australian story

Ms Wikramanayake now faces her own challenges: securing the bank's next phase of growth, as well as managing crises that will inevitably emerge.

Big business is quietly preparing for a potential change of government to Labor.

Business prepares for a Shorten government

Big business is quietly preparing for a potential change of government to Labor through financial donations, meetings with Bill Shorten and hiring politically-connected staff.

'Vicious' question time hurts politicians

Julie Bishop has decried the barrage of "vicious behaviour" on show in question time, saying the parliamentary theatrics are doing the greatest damage to politicians' reputations.

Super changes bad for women: AiGroup

Labor's plan to narrow the gender pay gap by requiring workers earning less than $450 a month to be paid superannuation would see 30 per cent of the money flow to men.

Lake View, an empty and unsold housing development in the village of Keshcarrigan, County Leitrim, in 2012. During the ...

Ireland at the crossroads

Ireland’s economy lives in the shadow of both its boom-and-bust past and its looming post-Brexit future. Do investors now risk getting bitten?

White House distances itself from tech probe reports

The White House sought to distance itself from reports that Donald Trump is considering an executive order that would subject tech giants such as Facebook, Google and Twitter to investigations for alleged political bias.

Personal Finance

Marketing's next wave needs a bold fix

The single biggest opportunity for marketers to reassert their credentials is to help brands develop "a point of view they're willing to defend, a point of view that is not conventional wisdom".