Australian unions enforce low pay for pathology workers
28 September 2018
The Fair Work Commission’s wage ruling for Dorevitch Pathology workers is far from the “big win” proclaimed by the Health Services Union.
Australia: Commemoration rally held for youth killed in racist attack
27 September 2018
Liep Gony’s mother is clearly alarmed at the renewed government-media campaign scapegoating of youth of African origin.
Australian royal commission reveals predatory practices of insurance companies
26 September 2018
Testimony indicated that the major insurance companies had breached their own regulations more than 30,000 times without incurring any substantial penalties.
Guardian newspaper condemned for publishing “deliberate lies” about Julian Assange
25 September 2018
Former British whistleblower Craig Murray linked the newspaper’s allegations directly to the Mueller investigation in the United States.

Australian university students face unprecedented financial pressures
24 September 2018
Students confront a housing affordability crisis, low-paid work and a mountain of tuition debt.
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
22 September 2018
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.
Rising homelessness among older people in Australia
22 September 2018
After working their entire lives, older workers are not guaranteed even a roof over their head.
Rupert Murdoch accused of insisting on Australian prime minister’s removal
22 September 2018
Behind the façade of elections, the reality is that powerful figures in the corporate ruling class make or break governments.